The scandal of the Vicariate defending Ivan Rupnik. Viganò.

20 Settembre 2023 Pubblicato da

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, we offer for your attention this post by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on Twitter regarding the scandalous statement of the Vicariate of Rome concerning Ivan Rupnik and his excommunication. Enjoy reading and sharing.


The declarations of the Vicariate of Rome about the Aletti Centre (the company that produces Rupnik’s expensive and horrendous mosaics) and its founder leave one baffled and scandalised. The Vatican sends Commissaries and Apostolic Visitors to anyone who gives even a timid sign of fidelity to the Tradition, without giving justifications, without stating the reasons for the Apostolic Visits, without guaranteeing the protection of the suspects, and violating all confidentiality. Calumnies and unfounded accusations are fed to the media, for the sole purpose of terrorizing anyone who dares to question Bergoglio’s actions and words. Such ruthless severity disappears when it comes to his protégés, who may be blatantly guilty of the most heinous crimes, of the most horrendous offenses – the McCarrick case stand out among many as blatant proof of this – but are neither tried nor even condemned as they deserve. And the courtiers of Santa Marta are careful not to question the legacy that these perverse and corrupt clerics leave behind, as if their presence had been almost accidental. So much mercy for the wicked! So much understanding! So much reserve in protecting their name and keeping quiet about the most gruesome details of their nefarious deeds! As in all other no less shameful cases of sexual abuse, Bergoglian mercy does not care about the victims, whom it always tries to discredit and silence. Nor does it care about the scandal of the Roman clergy, or the discredit cast on the Auxiliary Bishop Libanori, who has been shamelessly denied. What is the lesson to be learnt by the faithful? It is clear: if you are a heretic, corrupt, a pervert, a thief, a sacrilegious and serial predator, but you are Bergoglio’s friend, you enjoy total impunity. If you are Catholic, live consistently with the Faith, and do not follow the Argentine tyrant, persecution is certain, cruel, and merciless. By now it is clear that the Bergoglian court does not serve the Church of Christ, but has embedded itself in her like a tumor in order to usurp her authority and destroy her from within.


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