Krajewsky, the Elephant, the Animalists. Had He Gone to San Remo, Who Knows….mons. Ics.

15 Febbraio 2023 Pubblicato da

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and foes of Stilum Curiae, Msgr. Ics offers for your attention this commentary on the latest performance of His Holiness’ Elemosiniere, Konrad Cardinal Krajewsky…poor us. Enjoy reading.


Msgr. X to Tosatti.

Dear Tosatti, I am sending you a very brief reflection on how the relationship between the Church and the Circus has changed in the last two thousand years.

Two thousand years ago, the Christians entertained the people as they were devoured by lions in the Circus. Today a Catholic (?) cardinal entertains spectators by simulating great courage as he places his head under the foot of a trained elephant. It would take the pen of a Rino Cammilleri [Italian journalist and writer] to adequately describe it, not that of a poor retired monsignor like me.

I am referring to the latest show of Cardinal Krajewski, which however this time made Bergoglio angry, because he will never tolerate one of his cardinals being accused of not being an “animal rights activist” but the opposite.

After turning the power back on in an illegally occupied building in 2019, explaining that he would pay the bill (which however he did not), thus angering [Deputy Prime Minister] Salvini, who saw in this act, done by a Cardinal of the formerly-Holy Roman Church, a challenge of a political nature, now our Polish cardinal, Konrad Krajewski, Almoner of His Holiness, has put on a show worthy of the SanRemo [Italian Music] Festival. (Indeed, we wondered why he didn’t go to sing with [Italian performer] Amadeus, whose name means means LoveGod, in order to collect alms in a cup accompanied by [Italian rapper] Fedez and his consort, maybe even doing some sort of transgressive act.)

His Eminence Cardinal Krajewsky, attending a circus in Rome (Rony Circus) which was a charity show for two thousand homeless Ukrainian spectators (according to what the newspapers tell us), descended into the arena, but since there were no hungry lions, as there were in the Roman circus 2000 years ago at the expense of the first Christians (who were martyred for their faith in Christ), but only well-trained elephants, he put his head under the elephant’s foot in order to demonstrate his intrepid courage in the face of danger….

He was hoping to receive acclaim for the courage he demonstrated out of love for the poor, whom he claimed benefitted from his gesture. Instead, he received a solemn rebuke and protest from animal rights activists, who saw in this exhibition (entirely initiated by his own choice and by his narcissism) an endorsement of the Circus, which holds animals in “prison” for the sole purpose of making a show of them, when they really ought to be allowed to live in their natural habitat.

We need to rehabilitate the animal rights activists. Of course if these activists had made the same reflection about the SanRemo Festival, who knows where they would have proposed re-placing those who performed on the stage? Mah!


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