Piero Laporta. We are living a drama with unpredictable conclusions.

29 Luglio 2022 Pubblicato da

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and foes of Stilum Curiae, we publish, in the translation provided by the author, this article by General Piero Laporta. Enjoy reading.



The solicitations to vote do not warm me. First, I have no illusions about the Power’s willingness to allow the vote. Second, none of the parties, none of the veterans from the Mario Draghi’s and Sergio Mattarella’s political orgy deserve a second of our time. I trust in war, or in another miracle, with which Divine Providence will want to surprise us. I repeat: the cruelest war is better than a satanic peace .
Observe cicisbeos and coulotteslesses as they gnash their teeth, while they are hurling abhorrence against Moscow: they are afraid. Fear takes the freedmen, while the patricians stammer and tremble. Observe: the evil freedman attracts pity for the miserable physical aspect, far more acceptable than the abyss of his heart. He hopes to escape his Nuremberg, as do those traveling from his native party to new committees in which they delude themselves to protect themselves. The world is collapsing with greater speed than that which overwhelmed the Soviet Union, whose fall began on October 16, 1978, when Saint John Paul II entered Saint Peter’s. The prayers of the great Pontiff meant that the Soviet Union died only with a scuffle in front of the parliament, when Mikhail Gorbachev pretended to have suffered a coup. There were no massacres or wars to kill the USSR, the largest state on the planet. Yet “States are born and die with wars” is a millenary law, never disregarded. The end of the Soviet Union was an exception. Today the dying man, by Kissinger’s voice, announces a nuclear war and so the gallows are becoming as objective necessities. It will be the objective reality to determine the gallows, there is no need for any conspiracy.

The freedmen are afraid and are angry because the voice of the weapons is definitive; you do not get away with counting the missiles that have fallen here and there, sending a couple of generals on TV or with yet another mask to the lustful mummy. They are afraid.

Their heads go off if war between the United States and Russia breaks out. The US summit in power is in the creel. If war breaks out, the US implodes. If the war does not break out, the US will implode a little later. But the war must break out otherwise Biden delegitimizes himself. Remember Kissinger: “The US cannot lose this war.” They lost more or less 50 after 1945, they can’t lose this one. They have to fight it knowing they can’t win it. It is the Nemesis.

The war has already begun and they must fight it with the only weapons they have, the N bombs. A Chinese general said: «For 3 thousand dead at the Two Towers you are still crying; what will you do when you lose 3 million in three minutes? Biden doesn’t know what he’ll do; he has to go to war otherwise everyone will understand, not just his direct collaborators, how stupid he is.

They are surprised by the evil as it falls upon them, as if they were convinced, once the evil had been committed, the meat grinder of history would have swallowed it; at most a few paragraphs of a gotor or a fasanella, as happened with terrorism. Error: Satan exists and believes in God, from whom he demands his part. The Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas and this dull Biden make Hitler and Stalin pale, who are now allowed to invoke extenuating circumstances from the Judge, since the novices are far worse than the teachers.

They spread death and suffering everywhere:in Africa, Europe, the Balkans, Asia, Latin America, everywhere; the souls of children, women, old people, soldiers massacred, the hundreds and hundreds of millions, scream for revenge, crossing up to the Underworld untill here. The righteous will all rise up as one man. Never in history and in the world has there been such a universal uninterrupted satanic carnage, the responsibility of which lies entirely with the circles in power today, wherever they are, whatever building they occupy, whatever color they have, whatever their gender LGBPQRST, whatever race they are, whatever religion they profess. None of them try to present bills to history in the name of the gulag, concentration camps and wars of the past. The massacres and blood from 1945 to today are here, they stink unbearably and are not forgotten.
It is disgusting, among these complaints, that bishops and self-styled Catholic faithful encourage the killers, exactly as happened with the massacres of the 2GM, but at an infinitely lower level than today. It is disgusting “Informazione Corretta” (Correct Information https://www.informazionecorretta.com/ of the Roman Jewish Community), siding with the followers of those who massacred their fathers. And if they are not ashamed today, the explanation is even more shameful than the existence of the kapo in the extermination camps. The unchanged dignity of the Orthodox and Muslim communities is significant in this climate. The reader does not get lost in the exceptions.

We are living in a drama whose conclusion we cannot predict. In the meantime, communities, states, families, friendships, associations founded on falsehoods, exploitation, massacres will break. Their fate is sealed.

I have received another solicitation to join a new party that “will change everything”. I sincerely thank and decline. Not the polls, not the parties can change something with the current rules of the game. I trust in the war and in Our Lord who mercifully offers us something else or directs the conflict, He, who changes the blood and the manure into white and fragrant lilies. He disposes of the eternal fire, in front of which an N-bomb is less than a match.

Christ wins, with love and when necessary, also with violence, let’s not forget that.


To the leader: with stringed instruments. A Maskil of David.

1 Give ear to my prayer, O God;
do not hide yourself from my supplication.
2 Attend to me, and answer me;
I am troubled in my complaint.
I am distraught 3 by the noise of the enemy,
because of the clamor of the wicked.
For they bring[a] trouble upon me,
and in anger they cherish enmity against me.

4 My heart is in anguish within me,
the terrors of death have fallen upon me.
5 Fear and trembling come upon me,
and horror overwhelms me.
6 And I say, “O that I had wings like a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest;
7 truly, I would flee far away;
I would lodge in the wilderness;Selah
8 I would hurry to find a shelter for myself
from the raging wind and tempest.”

9 Confuse, O Lord, confound their speech;
for I see violence and strife in the city.
10 Day and night they go around it
on its walls,
and iniquity and trouble are within it;
11     ruin is in its midst;
oppression and fraud
do not depart from its marketplace.

12 It is not enemies who taunt me—
I could bear that;
it is not adversaries who deal insolently with me—
I could hide from them.
13 But it is you, my equal,
my companion, my familiar friend,
14 with whom I kept pleasant company;
we walked in the house of God with the throng.
15 Let death come upon them;
let them go down alive to Sheol;
for evil is in their homes and in their hearts.

16 But I call upon God,
and the Lord will save me.
17 Evening and morning and at noon
I utter my complaint and moan,
and he will hear my voice.
18 He will redeem me unharmed
from the battle that I wage,
for many are arrayed against me.
19 God, who is enthroned from of old,Selah
will hear, and will humble them—
because they do not change,
and do not fear God.

20 My companion laid hands on a friend
and violated a covenant with me[b]
21 with speech smoother than butter,
but with a heart set on war;
with words that were softer than oil,
but in fact were drawn swords.

22 Cast your burden[c] on the Lord,
and he will sustain you;
he will never permit
the righteous to be moved.

23 But you, O God, will cast them down
into the lowest pit;
the bloodthirsty and treacherous
shall not live out half their days.
But I will trust in you.

Gen. D.g.(ris.) Piero Laporta












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And here is the link to the book in English.

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(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti








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