Msgr. X: Is the Final Attack on Truth in the Church Being Prepared?

8 Febbraio 2022 Pubblicato da


Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and foes of Stilum Curiae, Msgr. X offers us today a decidedly disturbing reflection on what it being prepared in the Church…enjoy your reading.


Dear Tosatti, allow me to propose a reflection that is “forbidden for children under 14, if they are not accompanied by their parents.”

No, the reflection is not about the Sanremesi events, which only manifest the rubbish of the coming times that are threatened to happen to us. The reflection is about the mature and knowing perception that “recess is over,” but this announcement is not coming from San Remo, it comes from Rome.

I fear that we are close to final declarations, which are certainly predictable, but above all feared. The acceleration in last few weeks of revolutionary proposals by illustrious representatives of the Church and in the curious behaviors by the same Supreme Authority cannot leave us indifferent.

This acceleration suggests that it has been decided that there is no time to lose and that which must be said and done must be said and done quickly.

Recess is over; now we have to get serious.

I am not imagining other new super-progressive and surprising proposals made by members of the Church or some scientific-evolutionistic proposal by some enlightened scientist or philosopher, diplomatically supported by the Church by the choice not to divide and to welcome and listen to everyone.

No, at the most all that would just be discussing intellectuals in the newspapers in order to fill the pages and promote steps forward in the process of secularization.

No, I am perceiving something absolutely revolutionary, propsed with naturalness by the highest moral authority, which manages to question that which we Catholics consider as Truth.

I believe and fear that we are close to this event taking place.

But this event does not find us unprepared. Conflicted, yes, but not unprepared to defend the Truth. As we will see.

Those who are trying to confuse the Truth and who are drawing close to the “final thrust” have led the faithful to become convinced that the Truth is based on what is “real,” on reality.

Okay, but what reality? The reality made by man? Or the reality intended and made by God the Creator? In Genesis 1:31, it is written “God saw all that he had made, and behold it was very good.” The reality intended by God is good; the reality corrupted by man is not, and thus it cannot be taken as a reference for adapting the doctrine to human “weaknesses” to the point of making it evolve in order to please the world, because this readiness to accommodate has only one ending point: denying God.

There is no doubt about it.

This is why the hunger that man has today is “Hunger for Truth.” If the Church confuses it, what can be done?

The great Gilbert Keith Chesterton wrote that “If the world becomes too worldly, the Church can reproach it, but if the Church becomes too worldly, it certainly cannot be reproached by the world for its worldliness.”

In fact this is not happening, and we do not delude ourselves that it will happen in the future, even if they think of going to Fabio Fazio to evangelization subject to the applause-meter of the “house.”

Therefore, if you decide to expose yourself publicly to the provocations and media evaluations of the world, the suspicion is that you want it only in order to please it.

And more than that, what can be done to please it? Promising it to cancel Dogmas and rewrite the Ten Commandments?

“And then? And then? And then?…” as Saint Philip Neri would say….Our friend Chesterton wrote that “every generation is converted by the saint who contradicts it the most,” enunciating his famous paradox of the saints.

What saint would we refer to today?

My friends of Stilum Curiae, let’s prepare ourselves to have great hunger for the Truth, and let’s prepare ourselves to feed the most fragile among us.

Perhaps the provoked famine is near.

Msgr. X









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(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti








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