Bergoglio in Fazio’s transmission. Great. What is your Pain Threshold?
8 Febbraio 2022
Marco Tosatti
Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, Andrea Cionci yesterday seriously followed Fabio Fazio’s interview with the reigning Pontiff, in which Jorge Mario Bergoglio re-proposed all the possible banality of his themes: against war (but there is someone who is in favor, in addition to his American Dem friends?) the spottone in favor of the new slave trade (from which NGOs and Coop and the Church earn, at least in Italy, good money from our taxes) and the usual bar chatter, such to justify the brilliant nickname of Banal Grande with which he labeled it years ago Antonio Socci. But read what Andrea Cionci writes… Happy reading.
Bergoglio da Fazio: great. What is your Pain threshold?
Many will think that this will be a bilious article towards “Pope Francis”. Quite the contrary: he is great and receives all our sympathy. Rather, we will focus on the process of “denial”, a primitive and dangerous psychological defense system.
You know that typical Italian comedy husband who, although confronted with the most macroscopic evidence, refuses to accept his wife’s adultery? And she continues to betray him in an ever more blatant, brazen and evident way to make him become aware of reality and ask – finally – for a divorce.
Here, yesterday evening, Bergoglio, from a Fabio Fazio if possible even more greasy and servile than usual, managed to put everything inside. Behind the shoulders, the large square of the esoteric cult of Mary who unties the knots, whose Novena can be plastically superimposed on the magical rite of the Nine Knots https://www. Articolo_blog/blog/andrea- cionci/27452309/papa- Francesco-Strange-Worship- Mary-Unties-Knots-Esoteric- Masonic-implications.html ;
then the citation of the alchemical sleeping St. Joseph of Mutus Liber, the instruction manual to collect the dew, nectar of the RosaCroce https://www. Articolo_blog/blog/andrea- cionci/27490817/-s-giuseppe- dormiente -votive-image-of-bergoglio- connection-jacob-sleeping- esoteric-of-mutus-liber- alchemical-r.html ;
around the neck, as always, the lunar, silvery Rosicrucian Good Shepherd, with his arms crossed https://www. personaggi/28842588/papa- francesco-caso-strana-croce- travolge-pontefice-simbolo- masonic-public-so.html .
Despite being visibly tired and tarnished, at times stammering, Bergoglio repeated, like a true professional, the large numbers of his repertoire: Count Kalergi’s immigration imperative, in order to destroy the Christian-European identity; the obsession with chatter, https://www. Articolo_blog/blog/andrea- cionci/30123101/ossessione-di- antipapa-bergoglio-su- chiacchiericcio-pettegolezzi- intimidazione-per-i-religiosi- ribelli -state-shut-e-obbed.html ( obviously don’t speak ill of HIM);
the demagogic-deamicisian broadcasts on suffering children and the war that is destructive (damn, who would have suspected it?); the Universal Brotherhood in an apron and, above all, her, the great star, the Anti-Madonna, Pachamama, the Mother Earth of the Incas who, as Prince Sansevero explained in his 1750 Apologetic Letter, binds knots and Freemasonry in a sulphurous esoteric mess https://www. Articolo_blog/blog/andrea- cionci/30305055/il-principe- di-sansevero-sul-legame-tra- pachamama-nodi-e-massoneria- il-culto-di -bergoglio-alias-papa- francesco-.html .
The climax, however, His Excellency touched him when he quoted, quite inappropriately, the “casual” meeting with the “journalist” Brocal at the record store. There he was really strong: despite the fact that all of Italy had read that the chances of CASUALLY meeting his own biographer, photographer, and documentarian at the shop were 0.000000062%, he repeated, regardless of any controversy, the same sensational lie https : // Articolo_blog/blog/andrea- cionci/30111843/nuova- messinscena-su-finta-visita-a- sorpresa-di-bergoglio-al- negozio-quante-probabilita- che-non-fosse -prepared.html .
It takes you for a ride so blatantly that it is impossible not to think of an unconscious request for help, such as “stop me while I’m in time”. Perhaps this is why he closed the TV connection with the querulous and obsessive request: “Pray for me”.
In short, poor Bergoglio, all we needed was that, like Pannella, he intervened on video with a sign hanging around his neck: “I am not the pope and I am not a Catholic”.
And today it will be all a flourishing of very acidic and furious interventions against him. “Did you see what the pope said ?!”, “Of course!…”, “Unheard of!”. Already a couple of days ago someone was wondering with the tone of “I seemed to see her a cat” if something did not return in the magisterium of “Pope Francis”, after the very big shot on the Communion of Saints which would also involve idolaters, blasphemers and blasphemers.
Others have published stinging sarcasms or careful analyzes on the participation of the “pope” in the sticky broadcast of RaiTre, which would have been de-legitimizing the role of the Pontiff, etc. etc. Yet all of them had already been informed FOR MONTHS about Ratzinger’s so-called “Plan B”, which made Bergoglio antipope since March 2013.
Now, gentlemen, here it is a question of choosing between two sufferings. The first is to continue to see “the pope” proceed with the mining explosive to blow up Roman Catholicism and degrade the figure of the Vicar of Christ (indeed no, he is no longer one, he also told us).
Much heavier to bear, we realize, is instead the atrocious suffering of having to admit that Bergoglio is not the pope, just as the unbearable Don Minutella has been shouting for years: the “excommunicated”, the “mad priest Which was mercifully put under the steamroller by the media and the coup church. Not to mention the insurmountable Calvary of having to admit that the “modernist Ratzinger” was able not to abdicate on purpose, but to retire in the impeded seat to schism all enemies and heal the Church forever from the wounds of the Council.
Despite an investigation resulting from about 4000 hours of work, divided into 60 chapters here at the bottom https://www. Articolo_blog /blog/andrea-cionci/30001385/ macchina-del-fango-caso-di-40 -years-ago-against-pope- ratzinger-for-the-see-impeded- the-tragic-boomerang-of-pro- bergoglio.html , accompanied by 100 other background articles that demonstrate how Bergoglio is NOT the pope, is preferable to continue to suffer that sweet martyrdom of every day. It is a refined pleasure, a blue thrill, an emotional nourishment, a drip of Stockholm Syndrome that we have already assimilated to the “Power of deception” of which the Apostle Paul spoke in the II Letter to the Thessalonianshttps://www. antipapa-linunque-come-agisce- la-potenza-dinganno-e-il- sabotaggio-del-padre-nostro- parte-39/ # . And therefore the answer that invariably arrives on the impeded seat is: “But yeah, it’s stuff like Agatha Christie, canonical engineering, John Nash pattern recognition, conspiracy” …
A bit like those women destroyed by manipulative narcissists: they deny to death that they are with the wrong, bad and violent man. They are treated like patches 364 days a year, but on that one day when he arrives with a bouquet of flowers, perhaps to be forgiven for yet another beating, they touch the sky with a finger. To be clear, the same masochistic pleasure of someone who wears tight shoes all day for the heavenly relief of taking them off in the evening. And when Bergoglio, once in a while, strategically, says something Catholic, he goes into a soup of jujube. In short, things like that. And now, whoever has read this irritating article will have become even more infamous in Bergoglio’s legitimacy.
And then W “Pope Francis”, which we must tell you. Excellency, thank you very much: please continue like this.
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(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)
Marco Tosatti
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