Argentina: One Year of Legalized Abortion. More Desaparecidos than under the Junta

7 Gennaio 2022 Pubblicato da


Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and foes of Stilum Curiae, José Arturo Quarracino offers us this sad reflection from Argentina about the toll of a year of legal abortion in his country. Enjoy your reading.


One year of legal abortion in Argentina = more have disappeared than during the last military dictatorship


Today, 30 December 2021, marks one year since the legalization of abortion in Argentina by the National Senate, law 27.610/29, which the Argentine President promulgated on January 14, 2021.

As we have repeated many times, the legalization of abortion is nothing other than the legalization of the pre-natal death penalty or the legalization of pre-natal homicide, and for this reason the aforementioned law is clearly unconstitutional, since human life is protected by the National Constitution from the very moment of conception.

And we have also reaffirmed on various occasions that, far from signifying progress, this legalization demonstrates the clearly regressive, prediluvian and trogloditic character of the legislation, since it has consecrated the death penalty for the most defenseless and innocent human beings of all, unborn children.

Democratic pro-abortion junta

The regressive, prediluvian and trogloditic character that has been revealed a year later once again, by means of the official celebration that took place in national Chamber of Deputies and by various pro-abortion organizations that since 2005 have promoted legislation projects that want to impose, with the financial support of international Anglo-American – the Ford Foundation, International Planned Parenthood Federation, International Federation for the Prevention of Abortion, and the International Women’s Health Coalition, among others which have contributed millions of dollars to promote the so-called “National Campaign for Legal, Safe, and Free Abortion” promoted by “Argentinian” organizations that are subordinate to them.

On the aforementioned webpage, a few hours after the approval of the law in Argentina on 31 December, the IPPF not only openly hailed the legislative “triumph,” but also made it known that it was the IPPF itself that “nourishes an eco-system of feminist and activist organizations for more than 15 years, which has contributed to making it possible today” that abortion is legal. It also recognized that IPPF “directly supports seven partners in Argentina, which in turn subsidize another 20 grassroots organizations across the country, which are those that accompany politicians and legislators, carry out communication and awareness campaigns in order to advance the “right to abortion” in public discourse, and actively plan the best way to support the implementation of the new law.”

The seven partners of the IPPF identified in the country – which are real collaborationist cipayo organizations – are: -Casa FUSA – Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir – CEDES (Centro de Estudio de Estado y Sociedad) – Amnesty International in Argentina – Fundación Huésped – CELS (Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales) – FEIM Argentina[1].

In short, it is a British invasion with “Argentine” collaborationism across the board, in a true demonstration of pre-natal genocidal imperialism, subsidized by, among other nations, the governments of Great Britain, Germany, Australia, Canada, South Korea, Holland, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, Sweden, and the People’s Republic of China, by means of the contribution of the International Planned Parenthood Federation [2].

But in addition to showing itself as a veritable colonial submission by “Argentine” functionaries and legislators to this pre-natal genocidal policy, the legalization of abortion demonstrates, one year after its sanction and promulgation, that its application has resulted in a genocide superior to that practiced by the Argentine military dictatorship in the Process of National Reorganization (1976-1983), through the policy of the forced disappearance of people.

This policy was applied, as is public and well-known, by the “government” task forces imposed by blood and fire in March 1976 by the Argentine armed forces. The practice was to kidnap those who were considered political enemies, to hold them in clandestine detention, in all cases identified only by a number, without being brought to justice and, consequently, without being given a trial at which they had the possibility of defending themselves, and finally, in many cases, to be assassinated and thrown into the sea or buried in hidden tombs.

Military junta 1976

With the retuen of democracy in 1983, the government of Dr. Raúl Alfonsín appointed a National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons (CONADEP), composed of 19 personalities from Argentine public life, presided over by the writer Ernesto Sábato, in order to investigate the violations of human rights carried out by the military dictatorship. After 280 days, the Commission presented to President Alfonsín a report containing all the information it had been able to gather about the fate of the detainess who disappeared during those years of the dictatorship. The report was called Nunca más (Never Again) and recorded the disappearance of 8.961 people over the course of 8 years (1976-1983).

Paradoxically, the political and social leaders who rightly condemned and continued to condemn this policy of systematic elimination of human beings are the same who, in the present democracy are celebrating, one year after the law on abortion came into force, that in 11 months of application of this macabre law, 32,758 people have disappeared before birth, according to the official numbers.

In other words, in less than a year the “pro-abortion democracy” has unconstitutionally killed 350% more people than were killed by the eight years of military dictatorship. With the same method forced disappearance practiced by the task forces: disappearance of the unborn child already in the very text of the law (it is not even mentioned once), condemned to death without any legal counsel to defend him or her, summarily executed almost immediately after the sentence (pronounced by the woman who gave birth to him or her) and thrown in the trash or sold to industries that profit from the remains of aborted fetuses (since the law says nothing about the fate of these remains). With the aggravating circumstance, as we said at the beginning, of a death penalty applied to totally defenseless and absolutely innocent people, a conduct more typical of pre-diluvian troglodites than or progressive revolutionaries.

In short, and by way of summary, we can say without fear of being mistaken that we are once again faced with a typically schizophrenic attitude and behavior: the “pro-abortion democracy” acts in the same way as the task forces that are typical of military dictatorships, which the representatives of this pro-abortion democracy repudiate in words while they do the same thing.

It is schizophrenic attitude and behavior in the service of the insane plan of pre-natal demographic genocide designed by the globalist financial plutocracy 50 years ago, through the policies planned and carried out by the visible face of that diabolical genocidal and predatory group: John Davison Rockefeller III and his political, scientific, and cultural lackeys.

José Arturo Quarracino









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Marco Tosatti








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