Verbum Caro Factum Est. Ma quanto Veneriamo l’Incarnazione, Oggi?
27 Dicembre 2021
Marco Tosatti
Cari amici e nemici di Stilum Curiae, il maestro Aurelio Porfiri ci offre questa riflessione sulla Natività, che proponiamo alla vostra lettura e meditazione.
Verbum caro factum est
Nella celebrazione del Natale noi diciamo verbum caro factum est: il verbo si è fatto carne ed è venuto ad abitare in mezzo a noi. Ecco, non dovremmo mai perdere di mira questa dimensione incarnatoria per coloro che si dicono cattolici. Noi siamo fatti di carne redenta, quella carne che il Salvatore ha voluto nobilitare prendendola. Nella lettera ai Filippesi (2), san Paolo ci dice che “egli, pur essendo nella condizione di Dio, non ritenne un privilegio l’essere come Dio, ma svuotò se stesso assumendo una condizione di servo, diventando simile agli uomini. Dall’aspetto riconosciuto come uomo, umiliò se stesso facendosi obbediente fino alla morte e a una morte di croce. Per questo Dio lo esaltò e gli donò il nome che è al di sopra di ogni nome, perché el nome di Gesù ogni ginocchio si pieghi nei cieli, sulla terra e sotto terra, e ogni lingua proclami: Gesù Cristo è Signore!, a gloria di Dio Padre”.
Ecco, queste parole ben ci descrivono la dimensione dell’incarnazione, una dimensione a cui noi riservavamo molta riverenza nelle nostre liturgie.
Ricorderete che durante il Credo ci si inginocchiava all’et incarnatus est. Questo sarebbe ancora previsto, ma pochi lo fanno ancora. Questo perché oggi abbiamo una concezione quasi gnostica della nostra carne, una concezione che va dallo spiritualismo più disincarnato al materialismo spinto. Non diamo senso alla nostra carne ferita e anzi ci viene facile di denunciarne i sanguinamenti negli altri, come se a noi non riguardassero. Eppure il Natale ci ricorda che di quella carne redenta e crocifissa, siamo tutti figli, essa esulta e grida in tutti noi.
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(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)
Marco Tosatti
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[Seal of St. Michael Emblem] [Seal of the Sacred Head and Holy Face Emblem]
CC: Father Altman, CFCP, Apostolic Nuncio, USCCB President, Pope Francis, Cardinal Pell, House of Prayer Ireland (Christina Gallagher/Fr. McGinnity), SMWA.ORG
Attn Deacon Weisenburger, Bishop Grosz and LiPalma: Confess of your Crimes! Get right with God!
Did Deacon Weisenburger murder Father Joe Moreno October 13, 2012, and the Aux. Bishop Grosz and Bishop Lipalma cover and shuffle everyone around like some sort of psychological operation/gas-lighting technique to fool the masses?
“In end times there will be false prophets who will deceive many.”
Father Joe Moreno, a good priest who cared about his flock, and cared about his parish enough to go the extra mile to protect it from sex abusers and financial thieves, was found dead in his office chair on October 13, 2012, and the first words out of Deacon Weisenburger’s mouth is: “it’s a suicide.” Really? From the mouth of the unjust comes all crimes.
Why was Deacon Weisenburger so self-convinced that Father Joe Moreno committed suicide, unless he was to profit by this false conclusion? Father Joe Moreno, a dead man, can certainly not rise up from the dead in his chair and contest the deacon’s ruling, so the deacon feels justified in bearing false witness against the dead. But the Law is king: “Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s spouse.” And who is thy neighbor’s spouse but Fr. Joe Moreno, spouse of the Church?
Who was extorting over $500,000 in missing church funds around the time of Fr. Joe Moreno’s audit, including over 25 forged checks in Fr. Joe Moreno’s name? Was it Deacon Weisenburger? Certainly, “it’s a suicide” had to have so many financial benefits for the Deacon, as well as immunity from incarceration.
The Bishop Lipalma and Auxiliary Bishop Grosz hopped on the murder wandbagon immediately, and couldn’t have been more helpful in aiding the disguise. For example, Fr. Joe Moreno’s left hand was injured at the time of the death, and the gunman (Deacon Weisenburger?) placed the gun at his left side. Who would know that Father Joe Moreno was left-handed, and who would have the gaul to assume a left-handed person shoots left-handedly, when many use their right, having been taught by for example by having to open doors, use facets, and other right-handed items all their lives. I know of a person who writes left but throws right. So whoever did this 1. Had to have known Father Moreno very closely 2. Doesn’t know what they are doing.
To make matters worse, the Bishop and Auxiliary Bishop accosted Father Joe Moreno just days before, one going far enough to shove his finger in his face, and ask him to stop talking about important sex-abuse documents to the Apostolic Nuncio in Washington, D.C,; which he was to take on October 15, 2012; the date of his in-person appointment. But that day was never to come.
The harassment seemed to have started in August of that year, when the Bishop, Deacon, and Auxiliary Bishop started picking on Father Joe Moreno for exposing the financial crimes and sex-abuse crimes in the parish. The stolen gun was procured two weeks prior to the murder. Why would a bishop or a deacon be angry about evils being brought to the light? Isn’t that what our Faith is all about: expelling evil? What did they have to protect and hide?
Father Joe Moreno had a lot going for him. He had the support of the parish, of the entire Police and Fire Department, who trusted him for their care. He was even scheduled to meet with an officer for a confession; he had a wedding that very afternoon. How welcoming he was to people of all trades and walks of life.
I personally feel the Deacon, Bishop and Auxiliary Bishop were jealous of Father Joe Moreno’s success and purity, and conspired to bring him down; Deacon Weisenburger firing the shots, one of which was never recorded by the Medical Examiner, and the Bishop and Auxiliary Bishop covering the whole thing up as a suicide, to the cowardice of not even handing Sue Moreno the necessary medical paperwork she needed to prove to the Medical Examiner that Fr. Joe Moreno’s left-hand was injured.
What more proof do we need? Are we Catholic or not? Father Joe Moreno is a saint, having died for the Faith. He was murdered by his own; the motive is envy. The clergy and hierarchy were so quick to discredit his twin sister Susan Moreno. As a twin appointed by God’s special providence and divine Wisdom, Susan knew her brother well; that’s what scares the murderers the most: the Family. Doing psych-operations and blacklistings on her and her family was their cowardly approach. They don’t care if people lose their faith or sanity. Shame on them!
In addition, a file cabinet and desk drawer were forced open/broken/missing at the time of the murder. Seems like the Bishop and Deacon were phishing for incriminating documents they felt had to be removed. When the Bishop got to the scene of the crime, the first thing he did was rummage through the first-floor computer. That’s not succoring the flock! Shame on him. I think the hierarchy get so self-inflated they think they are above the Law. Scripture states that the pharasees believed they were mini-gods.
I hope the Deacon, Bishop, and Aux. Bishop repent of their Crimes and become true men of God. I hope Fr. Joe Moreno, along with St. Philomena, St. Maria Goretti, and all the saints, are working from heaven to convert their hearts. Only with the conversion of the heart of the World will we truly find peace.
Penances, Solutions and Resignations.
A solution would be for Rome to discipline and de-frock them, replacing their posts with obedient priests who are willing to follow God’s Law: the 10 Commandments. Thou Shalt Not Kill. Thou Shalt Not Steal. Thou Shalt not Bear False Witness Against thy Neighbor. Thou Shalt not Commit Adultery (in this case, an adultery of the hierarchy against Holy Mother Church). Any baptized Catholic who does not speak out against this crime in word, writing, or deed (or prayer) is guilty of condoning the crime, no matter where you are socially or financially. Now’s the time for the laypeople to start reprimanding their prelates in letter writing, word, and deed, and express their dismay in a charitable and selfless fashion.
If the Clergy and the state do not correct the problem, it falls on the laity to do the work of redemption. Can someone help with publicity? Is someone good at mailings? Can someone do prayer? Can someone send updates, or spread the news? Susan Moreno is seeking a scribe to write a booklet on the life and death of Father Joe Moreno. This document could also include her battle with the government and prelates; a war on Truth. Is someone good at FaceBook and Twitter pages? These can help to convert unbelievers, and draw them into the Church. “A remnant will be saved.” Anyone willing to join the Fr. Joe Moreno Train please write to Susan at, and do the research yourself, because your prelates certainly will not.
Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers, pray for us. St. Joe Moreno, defender of the Faith, come to our aid. Find your killers! Valentina Sydney Seer
Gavin was just served cease and desist papers by Michael Archer.
Father Joseph Moreno, known to his parishioners and friends simply as “Father Joe,” was a 54-year-old priest serving at Saint Lawrence Roman Catholic Church in Buffalo, New York. He came from a tight-knit and devout family.Sometime before 3:00PM on the afternoon of October 13, 2012, Father Joe was found dead in his rectory by Deacon Paul Weisenburger after he failed to arrive for a scheduled service. Father Joe was seated in his recliner and had a gunshot wound to his head. Another witness, Matthew Lynch, was also at the rectory, but did not see Father Joe’s body because he was forbidden by Deacon Weisenburger from going upstairs into Father Joe’s office.
Deacon Weisenburger called Monsignor David LiPuma, who immediately came to the scene. Lynch stated that he heard sounds like furniture being moved around while Deacon Weisenburger and Monsignor LiPuma were there.
Emergency services were not called until approximately 3:45PM. By the time they arrived, several items were missing from Father Joe’s office including his files, his fax machine, and various personal items.
Police, firefighters, and other emergency responders arrived at approximately 4:00PM. They found a .38 revolver between Father Joe’s leg and the armrest of the chair. They bagged the gun in a plastic bag, then went about investigating the death as a suicide.
A partial autopsy was performed by Dr. Dianne R. Vertes. She determined that Father Joe’s manner of death was suicide.
There are a few problems with this diagnosis. First, Father Joe was shot behind his left ear, meaning he would have had to have used his left hand to shoot himself. But Father Joe had almost no use of that hand from a knife wound he suffered when he was attacked inside the church on a previous occasion. Parishioners and his family have stated this to be true. Second, there wasn’t any blood spatter on the chair, the nearby wall, nor the carpet. There was “contact” blood on the chair, but no spatter. Third, the position of his body appeared to be staged, with his legs crossed in front of his as if he were completely relaxed.
Father Joe’s twin sister, Sue Moreno, has been fighting with the Erie County Medical Examiner’s office ever since Dr. Vertes determined his manner of death to be a suicide. She says that once Dr. Vertes was made aware of Father’s Joe’s injured hand, Dr. Vertes said she would change the manner of death to homicide if Sue could get the medical records proving the injury. Sue tried getting the worker’s compensation files from the Buffalo Diocese, but was stonewalled. In the meantime, Dr. Vertes suddenly retired.
“Ricorderete che durante il Credo ci si inginocchiava all’et incarnatus est”.
Tuttora nella Santa Messa ci s inginocchia.
E’ col novus ordo che al massimo si fa un mezzo inchinetto con il collo impedito dalla cervicale.
Pure un sacco di preti (?!), nel novus ordo, non si inginocchiano dopo la consacrazione (?!).
Quanto veneriamo l’Incarnazione? Quanto adoriamo Dio, nostro Padre Creatore? Poco, pochissimo, molto meno di quanto dovremmo.
Invidio i religiosi contemplativi che possono dedicare molte e molte ore all’dorazione del Santissimo.
Sono un vecchio brontolone, certo, eppure sono convinto sia il momento di pregare incessantemente, se non altro perché non abbiamo scelta.
Non siamo stati così in pericolo eppure nei momenti più caldi della Guerra Fredda, i cui protagonisti, farabutti senza verecondia, avevano tuttavia collo e testa ben saldi.
Mi dicono persino Putin sia indebolito a causa della sconfitta di Trump, costringendolo a buttarsi nelle braccia di Xi e cedendo spazi ai militari russi fra i quali serpeggia (comprensibile) voglia di rivincite per le batoste seguite all’89 (proprio come fra i colleghi cinesi).
La speranza però è immortale e se accompaganata con la preghiera può donarci un altro impero che si sfarina, come quello sovietico la notte del Santo Natale 1991, senza sparare un colpo.
Invito a riflettere gli amici tiepidi.
Desmond Tutu, una delle tante dimostrazioni del “valore aggiunto Dio”, pur nella politica, quella più aspra. Se non fosse stato per la Fede sua e di Mandela avremmo avuto un incendiario bagno di sangue e instabilità incessante.
Pregate, scellerati, fatelo per i nostri figli, anche se non credete, tutt’al più saranno pensieri e parole al vento, dopo tutto più innocue di tant’altre, o no?
Completo questa ventata di ottimismo: siamo così sprofondati, così in basso e così svuotati d’ogni valore, dando plausibilità verso il Colle a Berlusconi, Amato, Violante, Prodi.
Mi chiedo perché non s’affaccino Toni Negri e Adriano Sofri, d’altronde non peggiori del Kossiga (loro sodale) e successori.
Signore abbi pietà.
Se l’Argentino Regnante sotto lo pseudonimo di Francesco scrivesse o omelieggiasse come Porfiri, potremmo veramente dire alla spagnola “Otro gallo cantaria” o in inglese “We would be singing a different tune…”.
Vero, maestro Aurelio?
Sempre Paolo ricorda che il corpo dei cristiani, come conseguenza di quanto ricordato dal maestro Porfiri, è tempio dello Spirito Santo. Se è vero, come è vero, che solo al termine della nostra vita il cristiano arriva alla “perfetta statura di Cristo”, è altrettanto vero che, senza custodire anima e corpo, l’ambito e fondamentale traguardo non è raggiungibile. In quel caso sarà inutile dire “Signore ! Signore!” sventolando Amoris Letitia e magari pure Laudato si e Traditionis Custodes (ma nemmeno la Summa Theologica…), la risposta sarà sempre quella anticipata nel Vangelo. Con grande amore e sollecitudine il Signore ci ha avvertiti con chiarezza, e questa sì che è Misericordia. Meglio essere prudenti e, come si dice, prenderci misura.