Monsignor Viganò’s Christmas Message. Especially to Those Who Suffer Oppression.

19 Dicembre 2021 Pubblicato da

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is receiving from many parts requests for moral and spiritual support, especially from families for whom a real heavy segregation and discrimination started on 15 December, which throws people into despair. Many of them do not intend to bend to the infamous blackmail of the regime.
People feel betrayed and abandoned by the civil and religious authorities, mere executors of orders imposed with ferocity and brutality by an inhuman elite. Here below you will find the message that Monsignor Viganò addresses for the Holy Christmas. Enjoy reading.

Here is the link to the video:



NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI JESU CHRISTI SECUNDUM CARNEM Octavo Kalendas Januarii, Luna undetricesima, innumeris transactis sæculis a creatione mundi, quando in principio Deus creavit cælum et terram, et hominem formavit ad imaginem suam; permultis etiam sæculis ex quo post diluvium Altissimus in nubibus arcum posuerat signum fœderis et pacis; a migratione Abrahæ, patris nostri in fide, de Ur Chaldaeorum sæculo vigesimo primo; ab egressu populi Israël de Ægypto, Moyse duce, sæculo decimo tertio; ab unctione David in regem anno circiter millesimo; hebdomada sexagesima quinta juxta Danielis prophetiam; Olympiade centesima nonagesima quinta; ab Urbe condita anno septingentesimo quinquagesimo secundo; anno imperii Cæsaris Octaviani Augusti quadragesimo secundo, toto orbe in pace composito, Jesus Christus, æternus Deus æternique Patris Filius, mundum volens adventu suo piissimo consecrare, de Spiritu Sancto conceptus novemque post conceptionem decursis mensibus in Bethlehem Judae nascitur ex Maria Virgine factus homo. Nativitas Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum carnem. Martyrologium Romanum, 25 Dec.


Like every year, in the cycle of seasons and of history, the Holy Church celebrates the Birth according to the flesh of Our Lord Jesus Christ, eternal God and Son of the eternal Father, conceived by the work of the Holy Spirit by the Virgin Mary. With the solemn words of the liturgy, the Birth of the Redeemer imposes itself on humanity by dividing time into a “before” and an “after.” Nothing will be the same as before: from that moment the Lord incarnates himself to carry out the work of Salvation and definitively snatches man, who fell in Adam, from the slavery of Satan. This, dear brothers and sisters, is our “Great Reset,” with which divine Providence restored the order broken by the ancient Serpent with the Original Sin of our First Parents; a Reset from which apostate angels and their leader Lucifer are excluded, but which has granted all men the grace to be able to benefit from the Sacrifice of God made man, and to regain the eternal life to which they were destined since the creation of Adam. What a wonderful gesture of Mercy, toward creatures rebellious from the beginning, on the part of their Creator. What divine Charity, which granted to disobedient man the ransom of his infinite guilt by accepting the offering of His divine Son on the Cross. What divine Humility, which responded to man’s pride with the obedience of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, incarnate “propter nos homines et propter nostram salutem” – for us men and for our salvation. This is the true “New Order,” willed by God and destined to last for the eternity of the centuries, after the thousand battles of a war in which the eternal Defeated tries to prevent the glory of the divine Majesty from being shared by us, poor mortal creatures. This is the triumph of the One who is not satisfied with creating man with his perfections and granting him His friendship, but after man had betrayed Him by surrendering himself as a slave to the Devil, he decided to buy him back – redemptio is precisely the institution of Roman law by which the slave is redeemed and becomes free again – at the price of the Most Precious Blood of His Only Begotten Son. And it is also the triumph of the Mother of God, who in the Mystery of the Incarnation gave birth to the Redeemer, that Holy Child destined to suffer and die for us. It is She who in the Proto-Gospel was promised as the victor over the Serpent, in the eternal enmity between her lineage and the Enemy. For this the Chosen People were gathered; for this they were led to the Promised Land. For this the Holy Spirit inspired the Prophets by indicating the time and place of the Savior’s Birth. For this the Angels sang their Gloria at the cave, and the Magi followed the Star to adore the Child wrapped in swaddling clothes like the son of a king. For this the Virgin sang her Magnificat and the little Saint John the Baptist leapt in Saint Elizabeth’s womb. For this Simeon pronounced the Nunc dimittis [“Now you may dismiss”] holding the promised Messiah in his arms. Veni, Emmanuel: captivum solve Israël. Come, Emmanuel: free your captive people. Free them also today, as you freed them with Your Most Holy Birth and with Your Passion and Death. Free Your Holy Church by revealing the false shepherds and mercenaries, as you revealed the envy of the High Priests and their silences regarding the Messianic Prophecies, which were hidden from the simple. Free the nations from evil rulers, from corruption, from the slavery of power and money, from enslavement to the Prince of this world, from the lie of false freedom, from the deception of false progress, from rebellion against Your holy Law. Free each one of us from our miseries, from sin, from pride, from the presumption of being able to save oneself without You. Free us from the disease that afflicts our soul, from the pestilence of the vices that infect our life, from the illusion of being able to defeat death, which is the just reward of our rebellion. Because You alone, O Lord, are the true Liberator; only in You who are Truth will we be free, will we see the chains that bind us to the world, to the flesh and to the Devil fall. Veni, o Oriens. Come, O Rising Sun: cast away the shadows and disperse the darkness of the night. Veni, Clavis Davidica. Come, Key of David, open wide our celestial homeland; make the way to heaven secure and close the door to hell. Veni, Adonai. Come, O Powerful Lord, who gave the Law from above to Your people on Sinai, in the majesty of your glory. Veni, Rex gentium. Come, King of the peoples, to reign over us, Prince of Peace, Angel of the Great Council. Come and descend into time and history, upset this infernal Tower of Babel that we have built by challenging You in Your Majesty. Come, Lord. Because in these two years of pandemic madness, we have understood that Hell does not consist so much in the suffering of the body, but in the desperation of knowing You are far away, in Your silence, in letting ourselves sink into the deaf horror of Your absence. And blessed be your Most Holy Mother and our Mother, whom you have left at our side in these terrible days as our Advocate, because in the vision of this hell on earth we can find the spiritual medicine which enables us to welcome You into our souls, into our families, in our nations, returning to You that crown that we have usurped from You. Bless, O Child King, those who will allow themselves to be conquered by Your love, for which You did not hesitate to incarnate yourself and die for us. May this divine Love be received with grateful wonder by those who, dead in Adam, in You, the new Adam, have been reborn; by those who, having fallen with Eve, in Mary, the new Eve, will rise again. May it be so.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

Sabbato Quattuor Temporum Adventus December 18, 2021









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Ecco il collegamento per il libro in italiano.

And here is the link to the book in English.

Y este es el enlace al libro en español



(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti








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2 commenti

  • Slave of JMJ ha detto:

    Thank you Archbishop Vigano! I would like to become a spiritual daughter of Archbishop Vigano! Merry Christmas!

    • Slave of JMJ ha detto:

      St. Michael’s Shield of Truth Prayer
      “St. Michael, you are our defender
      and safeguard against evil. Place
      your Shield of Truth over us and
      defend us in the battle which Satan
      wages against truth. Help us to see
      the righteous path of Holy Love.”
      “Clarify our choices between good
      and evil by placing us always behind
      your Shield of Truth. Amen.”
      March 15, 2006
      St. Michael says: “Praise be to Jesus in
      His Angels and in His Saints.”
      “Stop a moment and think now about this
      devotion the world has just been given—the
      devotion to my Shield which is truth itself. If
      every soul could make decisions according
      to truth, sin would be alleviated and the New
      Jerusalem would be here—now! This is so
      because all sin is inspired by Satan’s lies.
      Think of it—no more abortion, apostasy or
      heresy, no more corruption in Church and
      world politics. There would be peace in
      hearts, in families and in the world.”
      “Yes, this is what victory would be—a
      Triumph of Truth. When I return, I will reveal to
      you and to the world the promises attendant
      to this devotion.”
      March 16, 2006
      St. Michael says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
      “I have come to state the promises
      attendant to the prayer of protection behind
      my Shield of Holy Truth.”
      “These promises are assured those who
      with sincere hearts seek the protection of my
      Shield. But they will be denied those who
      pray the prayer merely to test its validity.”
      1. “Those who seek Holy Truth in decisions
      will be made to see the Light of Truth and
      the darkness of Satan’s lies.”
      2. “The truths of the Tradition of Faith will
      be revealed to those who seek this with
      sincerity. The evil of liberalism will be
      brought to light.”
      3. “Satan, who opposes Holy Truth, will not
      be able to penetrate the Shield I place
      over hearts. His lies will be repelled by
      this mighty Shield.”
      “Thank you for listening. I am with you
      March 16, 2006
      St. Michael’s Shield
      St. Michael comes. He says: “Praise be
      to Jesus.”
      “I invite you to look closely now at my
      Shield. Emblazoned upon it are the United
      Hearts. This is why my Shield is so powerful.
      The United Hearts are the embodiment of
      Holy Truth; indeed, the embodiment of the
      Ten Commandments.”
      “This devotion will spread quickly. Be
      March 16, 2006
      St. Michael comes. He says: “Praise be
      to Jesus.”
      “Your point is well taken. You ask what
      about the people who are living a lie in some
      area of their lives. Our Lady extends this
      grace to them. Since they believe that the lie
      or lies they have accepted in their hearts are
      the truth, they are not open to taking up my
      “But because even the greatest sinner
      is so loved by the Immaculate Mary, She
      instructs me to tell you that if you extend the
      anointing of St. Michael to such a soul, even
      from a distance, these souls will be given the
      grace of being shown Holy Truth. Of course,
      as with any grace, it is up to free will as to
      whether or not it is accepted.”
      “Make it known.”
      March 19, 2006
      The Anointing of St. Michael
      St. Michael says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
      “I have come to make known to you that
      when you extend my blessing—the anointing
      of St. Michael to a soul—the tip of my Sword
      pierces the heart of the one you pray for.
      Thus, in my anointing, the heart is pierced
      with the truth, for my Sword is also Holy
      Note: The blessing may be extended to only
      one person at a time. To extend the blessing,
      say: “I extend to (insert name) the anointing
      of St. Michael.”
      Blessed Mother says: “Therefore, when
      you impart to someone the anointing of St.
      Michael, also say, ‘Mary, Protectress of the
      Faith, come to my aid.’ This prayer holds
      sway over many powers of evil, but not over
      free will.”
      March 22, 2006
      St. Michael — Messenger of Truth
      St. Michael comes and says: “All praise,
      honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. You
      know me as Michael—Messenger of Truth.”
      “Tonight I come once again to let the truth
      shine as pure light and to dispel darkness. As
      such, I will speak without guile, for I do not
      come to stroke egos, nor to esteem position
      or rank in the world. It is the only way that
      Satan’s work can be revealed in its fullness,
      and where it lies hidden in hearts and behind
      “Today you know there are two churches
      which call themselves ‘catholic.’ One is run
      by Jesus Christ—Lord and Savior; the other
      is guided by Satan himself.” (Our Lady is
      now beside St. Michael as ‘Protectress of
      the Faith.’)
      “The Church headed by Jesus is the
      One, True, Apostolic Faith which supports the
      Tradition of Faith handed down through the
      true lineage of popes. It is not compromised
      to please certain dissident groups. It does not
      support abortion, birth control, women priests
      or homosexuality. It is a faith which accepts
      the seven sacraments wholeheartedly, and
      firmly believes in the Real Presence of Jesus
      in the Holy Eucharist. It is loyal to the Pope.”
      “The church of compromise accepts only
      certain points of truth and compromises other
      points. They may choose names like the ‘New
      American Catholic Church’ or ‘FutureChurch’
      or others. Compromise of the truth is from
      Satan—always. The problem lies in the fact
      that the dissident ‘catholics’ do not leave
      the Church; instead, they continue to call
      themselves ‘Catholic’ and try to change the
      truth from within.”
      “The average lay person must be
      forewarned then. Whole dioceses—even
      Chancery offices—have been taken over
      by Satan.* So then, when a well-meaning
      person calls for an official Church opinion
      about some matter, he may be given the
      truth or Satan’s lies.”
      “You must open your eyes to see what
      is condoned within a certain diocese. Is the
      practice of New Age, occult practices, such as
      yoga or reiki, encouraged? Is there reverence
      for the Blessed Mother, or are vile images of
      Our Lady allowed to be displayed? Is there
      pagan worship of the goddess Sophia?
      Does the hierarchy speak out against certain
      groups, but refuse to follow through with
      actions? Is money and power at the center of
      hearts, or is God’s Law of Love?”
      “I come to make these points, for in truth,
      no one can follow blindly now. He must, for
      the sake of his soul, discern what spirit he is
      following, and where the real truth lies.”
      “Please make this known.”