Agostino Nobile: Why Do They Want Us All Vaccinated?

13 Settembre 2021 Pubblicato da


Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, last night Agostino Nobile was inspired to write this reflection, which concerns us all, and which we are very happy to share with you. Enjoy your reading.



In 2010, I published an article, which was later included in the collection of articles entitled “Things Catholics Ought to Know,” which was published in 2015. In 2020, I published an extract here at Stilum Curiae:

A few days ago a friend sent me a video showing very short clips dealing with the vaccine and 5G. Among the many videos that exist on this theme, this one is distinguished for containing a selection of statements made by individuals who are above any suspicion of being conspiracy theorists. I saved the video, which as expected was taken down from the internet. Therefore, when possible, in this article I refer to the full interviews and interventions.

Vittorio Colao, the Draghi government’s Minister for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition, says (see that with 5G we will have much more speed, more or less under 8/9 milliseconds “and we will be able to do everything remotely almost instantaneously.” Among the other things that he says will be possible, there is “perhaps injecting or releasing a medical substance necessary for health conditions.”

But how can substances be released remotely? The Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani, explains it to us. “Can we make a robot that works inside the human body?” Cingolani asks. We have “a merging of therapy and diagnostics, an intelligent, very small object capable of moving inside the human body, finding the diseased cell, stopping over it, and releasing the medicine we need right there, or even transcribing the correction, the genetic sequence that we want to transcribe […].” There are magnetic particles “that are also fluorescent.” These particles (quantum cubes) “can raise the temperature beyond 50 degrees (122 Fahrenheit). There is no cell that can withstand this temperature, for obvious reasons, thus they are extremely small localized burners. […].”

What could happen with these particle-burners? Professor Alessia D’Arrigo, after the first dose of the vaccine, declared that there were burners throughout her body “like many lighters,” and after five months she is in the same condition, to which has been added strong headaches and the risk of blood clotting. See here:  Il vax testimonianza di Alessia Darrigo professoressa scuole superiori. Listening to Signora D’Arrigo, it is difficult not to think of the quantum cubes mentioned by Cingolani.

Nanotechnology for therapeutic purposes is undoubtedly a great invention, but as we know, if it is true that the knife is a tool we can no longer do without, it is equally true that it has been and will be used to cut people’s throats. But what other things can be done with nano-robots? Let’s hear from the most interesting and visionary billionaire on the planet, Elon Musk.

The chip in the brain. “We are already cyborgs,” Musk said in a 2016 interview, “we practically have superpowers thanks to computers and smartphones. But in order to be truly united in a symbiotic way with artificial intelligence, an interface with the brain is required. A direct link between the brain and a computer.” The interviewer asked, “But is this something that requires a surgery [to implant]?”

“No, you can inject it in the veins through the blood or directly into the jugular. From there it arrives quickly in the neurons.”  We are already cyborgs | Elon Musk | Code Conference 2016.

Too visionary? Not at all! For years hundreds of scientists have been working on it, also in Italy. As I have written, numerous billionaires and people at Davos, among others, have been talking about this trans-human technology.

A bit further on, the video contains an interview with Professor Stefano Panzeri, Senior Researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa, where they are concerned with nanotechnology only for therapeutic purposes. Among his comments about nanotechnology, he states that it is a tool that can be used “in order to manipulate the cognitive capacities of the person” – a fact confirmed by all nanotechnology researchers.

And so we come to us. Despite the Israeli, British, and American authorities having said loud and clear that those who are vaccinated can infect others and themselves become infected, the Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi perseveres on the path of the vaccine with aberrant coercive methods. And given that he continues to deny access to the drugs with which thousands of patients have already been cured from Covid-19, we ought to ask ourselves whether this serum doesn’t already contain quantum cubes.

Why are doctors who treat Covid with existing drugs being ostracized? Why do national newspapers and television networks demonize them? Why does the media never mention people who have had their lives destroyed by the vaccine? Why don’t they admit that thousands of deaths worldwide have been caused by the vaccine?

Demonstrate democratically that the people mentioned above are phony. Demonstrate that the so-called no-vaxxers are wrong. Demonstrate by means of authoritative counter-evidence that you are right. We ask this above all of President Mattarella, Prime Minister Draghi, and Health Minister Speranza. Never in the history of democracies has a people been so harassed by a government, moreover a non-elected government, that uses a brutally divisive and guilty policy. Are you sure that the problem is a virus? Or perhaps you are planning to implement a program that will turn human beings into zombies?

Where are the police? The judges? The honest journalists? Ask questions; make inquiries. Why have none of you never tried to see what anyone can find on internet sites? The TV and newspapers are not Delphic oracles, they are the same sources that spread lies against Saddam Hussein, accusing him of having biological weapons. This was a piece of “fake news” that caused the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, catastrophes in the Muslim countries and terrorism in the world. Do not conform to those who will destroy your lives, the lives of your children and grandchildren. You are paid by the people [of this nation] to defend it; if you do not do so you will be held primarily responsible.

However, this horror will fail, because it has been conceived and implemented by a group of unintelligent billionaires, who are devoid of human depth and – we can say it – who are evildoers because they aim at cancelling free will and making billions of people into slaves. We are facing the most macabre and perverse corrupters in Western history.

As in all totalitarian systems, the number of contradictions are increasing every day. At the end of the tunnel we will see tribunals that will punish those who are responsible. There will be a grinding of teeth that will make those heard at the Nuremberg Trials seem like child’s play.


Agostino Nobile









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(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti








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