2020 US Elections: Rome Involved in Fraudulent Vote-Smuggling?

8 Gennaio 2021 Pubblicato da

Marco Tosatti

Dear readers of Stilum Curiae, we have received this message from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò related to the presidential elections in the United States, which we are happy to publish. It contains interesting revelations also about our own country of Italy. Enjoy your reading, and listen closely!


6 January 2021

Epiphany of the Lord

Dear friend,

I am sending you this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcckTTB5mCM.

In the video, Maria Fe Z. Parker of Nation in Action speaks of an employee, Stefano Serafini, an official of the Foreign Service for over 20 years, who allegedly retired the day before the US presidential election in order to be certain of not losing his pension, as had happened to the FBI agents who betrayed the United States in 2016. Stefano Serafini made an agreement with General Claudio Graziano, who has been the President of the military committee of the European Union since 2017. Graziano is on the board of Leonardo SpA, contractor of the Ministry of Defense. Leonardo allegedly used its military satellite uplink to load US voting management software and transfer it in order to change the election results, changing votes from Trump to Biden. Up until now it was known that this happened, but there was no irrefutable proof of who did it, where the operation was carried out, and what was used to do it. Whoever organized this fraud believed that they were very clever and that it was almost impossible to detect it.

This plan was conceived by Obama with the help of former Prime Minister Renzi. The secret services gave the group investigating electoral fraud the wiretaps, photos, phone calls, and even photos of a CIA agent involved in this operation. Some photos were even published on the Internet, causing panic among members of the Italian government, which quickly replaced certain strategic figures.

On Christmas Eve, Maria Fe Z. Parker was at Trump’s party in Florida at Mar-a-Lago, and that was where she had the opportunity to speak to Trump, and she told him that she anticipated that she would receive an affidavit from a person who would give her all the proofs of this affair, which involves Italy. She said to Trump that she would give every possible proof, even of the name of the informer who signed the affidavit, and that he is the one who uploaded all the data to the Leonardo satellite. After that, she met with Trump two other times. Trump was dumbfounded and took notes on a piece of paper about the names she was giving him.

Trump fears that everything will repeat just as in 2016, with the famous Russiagate, but there is also evidence about what happened in 2016, including the cash donations ($400 million) used by Obama to change the 2016 elections.

He sent them with 14 pallets to Italy, but it was all tracked. Reference is also made to the famous 2016 dinner in Washington of Obama and Renzi. At this point she talks about Conte and confirms his involvement in this operation. Maria Fe Z. Parker adds that obviously the US cannot invade Italy, but it already has its assets set up: it’s an underground war. She says that this enormous operation in Italy is costing a lot and that the mainstream media must take a clear position at this point. She speaks about a judge in Italy (without giving the name) who is working on these investigations and is finishing the dossier which will also include the 2016 Spygate. She requests that this information be shared everywhere, because it must be disseminated. She asks for protection for her and her husband, she confirms that she has had several meetings with General Flynn and Sidney Powell, who were all left speechless by the evidence provided in support of the allegations.

The author of the video is Maria Fe Z. Parkerhttps://govtribe.com/person/federal-person/maria-underscore-fe-dot-parker-us-dot-af-dot-mil .

According to what is said in the video, the Italian secret service and Leonardo SpA are involved in the creation of algorithms used in electoral fraud ordered by the deep state against Trump.

Dear friend, you will understand that this is something of unprecedented gravity, which must absolutely be denounced and made known to the general public, before it is covered up.

This is very important news, which confirms suspicions dating back at least more than a year. Obviously its diffusion will put an end to Renzi’s aspirations to be given the mandate on the secret services, and in all probability it also ought to lead to an investigation of Conte. All this would make it possible to avoid the hypothesis of a Conte ter or a technical government with Draghi as President of the Council.

I trust that you will want to give broad coverage to this news.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop




(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti










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