The Immaculate, the Pontiff, the Semi-Clandestine Visit Sine Populo.

9 Dicembre 2020 Pubblicato da


Marco Tosatti

Dear Readers of Stilum Curiae, we have received, from a friend who lives outside of Italy, these disconsolate reflections on the Pope’s missed appointment on December 8 with the people of Rome before the Virgin Immacolata of Piazza di Spagna. Enjoy your reading.


Bergoglio’s actions and words on the Blessed Mother

In 1857, three years after having solemnly proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the Bull Ineffabilis Deus, Blessed Pius IX, who reigned from 1846 to 1878, inaugurated the monument of the Immaculate Conception in the heart of Piazza Mignanelli right next to Piazza di Spagna (The Spanish Steps). About one hundred years after this significant gesture, Venerable Pius XII, the Roman Pope of the dogma of the Assumption, whose pontificate lasted from 1939 to 1958, began the annual custom of offering homage to the Blessed Mother. Each year on December 8, the Successor of Peter comes to the feet of Mary to honor her and entrust the city of Rome and the whole world to her maternal care. Ever since then, all the popes have followed the example of Pope Pacelli. Or rather, almost all of them.

On November 30, the Catholic world was surprised by a disturbing note from the Press Office of the Holy See, which declared that on December 8, in an unheard of decision, “Pope Francis will perform an act of private devotion, entrusting the city of Rome, its inhabitants, and the many sick people all over the world to the Blessed Mother,” justifying this choice by the “persistent situation of the health emergency with the goal of avoiding every risk of contagion caused by gatherings.”

It was a decision that, following a whole series of Bergoglio’s actions and words, stirred up a vast number of reactions, above all of indignation and sadness, which called this papal choice into question. Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Apostolic Nuncio to Washington, in a message to Catholics, wrote that “It causes pain therefore – a hollow and tearing pain – to see the indifference of so many consecrated souls and of so many bishops – too many – towards the Blessed Virgin Mary [and the decision]  to cancel the tradition homage to the Immacolata, lamenting that  “thus another piece of Rome is thrown away, another pound of flesh that the cynical merchant claims from the life of the Roman people as proof of their fidelity to the health dictatorship.” The Bergoglian effort to destroy everything that has the odor of tradition and devotion, in fidelity to the “spirit of the Council,” is advancing at a good pace!

Yesterday, the day on which the Holy Church, uniting herself to the choirs of angels and the multitude of the Saints, celebrated the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin, the Tota Pulchra, and a few days after the publication of Archbishop Viganò’s paternal message in several languages, Pope Bergoglio ended up going to Piazza di Spagna early in the morning, in a low profile version of the visit, to place a bouquet of flowers at the feet of the monument of the Blessed Mother. Everything was done in a muted way, as if he was afraid of something or someone and did not want to be seen performing a certain action. But after all is said and done, what is Bergoglio afraid of? Does Bergoglio fear Viganò and his punctual and justified statements? The disrespectful ways in which the Argentine Pope addresses the Mother of God, whom he called a “mestiza” last year, are no longer new, making us think of his effort to associate the Blessed Mother with the waves of migrants who, little by little, are invading Europe with the clear intention of condemning it and, along with it, subjugating and destroying what remains of Christian civilization. Revolutionary winds are blowing, just as in the days of the brave Pius IX!


If Bergoglio fears gatherings as a risk for causing the spread of COVID-19, then why on October 20 did he not refuse to participate in the international meeting of the Community of Sant’Egidio which, “in the spirit of Assisi,” as the community’s spokesman said, gathered political leaders like the President of the Italian Republic, the Mason Sergio Mattarella, and religious leaders, including Catholics, Orthodox, Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists? Based on this decision, are we supposed to understand that Francis trusts heretics more than the Blessed Virgin, she who is the exterminatrix of all heresies? If not, everything leads us to believe that this is so! Or is Bergoglio the of those whom Saint Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort describes in his Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, as “inconstant devotees,” whom the Immaculata “places under her feet, along with the crescent moon, because they are fickle and unworthy of being counted among the servants of this faithful Virgin, whose distinctive sign is fidelity and constancy”? After all, it’s not uncommon for gestures to matter more than words. And in a Roman Pontiff, as model to imitate if he is faithful to the depositum fidei, actions count for everything!

As Catholics – above all those Catholics who are faithful to Tradition and those who are aware of the turbulent course of the Barque of Peter – are becoming ever more aware of the intentions and, above all, the omissions of the one who should render all possible homage to the Blessed Mother, the encouraging words that the Blessed Mother spoke to the shepherd children of Fatima in 1917, and through them to the whole world, have more meaning than ever: “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.” And this will happen, whether Bergoglio wants it to or not!





(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti










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1 commento

  • P. Brian Paul MAGUIRE,c.p. ha detto:

    Or perhaps only wanted to conceal from his right hand what his left hand was doing (sic) (Mt. 6, 3)!
    Symbols cannot speak for themselves. They need the spoken message. Indeed, you can make a symbol say anything and even the opposite of everything. Why white roses at her feet and not the Shibboleth crowning Mother Earth’s head on Borgoglio’s new Vatican coin? From so high up on her column and so early in the morning mist the Immaculate Virgin Mary would not have been able to recognize him anyway, or even distinguish him from the security-guard in front of the Column, protecting him from the Corona-Virus and the Immaculata from Pope Francis.
    After all, it is better to go down to hell in the best of health than to go up to heaven with an infectious disease, as Paul would say (Gal. 2, 11-13), or even Peter for that matter (Acts 5, 29).