4 Ottobre 2020 Pubblicato da


Marco Tosatti

Carissimi Stilumcuriali, come sapete papa Bergoglio ha firmato la sua enciclica ecologica “Fratelli tutti”, ad Assisi. Osservatore Marziano ne ha avuto notizia, e ha visto anche altre uscite ecologiche del Pontefice. Le ha commentate, per voi. Buona lettura.


OM a Tosatti.

Caro Tosatti, essendo noi qui su Marte impegnati a investigare e cercare di capire il manifesto cambio di strategia di Repubblica, che da tempio laicista “scalfariano-debenedettiana “ si è convertita in tempio “molinariano-elkaniano”,non abbiam avuto molto tempo da dedicare alle vicende politico-finanziarie del vostro Pontefice.

Poi ci è giunto il link (qui riportato) che ricongiunge la nostra inchiesta con il citato Pontefice.

L’articolo qui sotto, in realtà, si riferisce ad una banalità assoluta: “l’ecologia dei media”. Anche i media devono diventare ecologici, ma non usando carta riciclata, bensì sovvertendo le verità su ambiente e Covid. Repubblica in questo è certo stata sempre esemplare. Quasi come l’Avvenire.

L’articolo sotto è solo una sciocchezza utopistica, che manifesta però chi sono coloro che manipolano detto papa o che detto papa utilizza quali testimonial. Oltre a Bill Gates, il gastronomo fallito Petrini, ora anche Piero Angela e l’archistar Fuksas, quello delle “nuvole “, orrendo esempio di architettura demenziale e inutilizzabile. Noterete nel pezzo allegato che oltre alla ecologia dei media si sta pensando (pur di raccattare i soldi del Recovery plan) anche di inventare (chissà quale) tecnologia ecologica, senza dubbio orientata utopisticamente a sostituire la crescita economica “tradizionale” fondata sulla vita e sui figli. Noterete, se leggerete il pezzo, che c’è anche l’intervento ridicolo di tal Gunter Pauli, imprenditore nell’economia blu, (in pratica fa detersivi biodegradabili) famoso in Italia perché aveva convinto il nostro premier Conte della relazione tra Reti 5G e diffusione della pandemia Covid.

Un altro prestigioso testimonial di Bergoglio….

Tutta questa accelerazione di insistenza esclusivamente sul tema ecologico da parte di Bergoglio dovrebbe sorprendere: Prima una Enciclica, copia-incolla dei testi del Club di Roma. Poi Assisi 2020 Economy of Francesco. Ora addirittura una seconda enciclica “Fratelli tutti” che tratta anche la “contemplazione ecologica”. Ma che succede? Lo spiega l’ultimo tweet di Bergoglio: La sfida urgente di proteggere la nostra casa comune comprende la preoccupazione di unire tutta la famiglia umana nella ricerca di uno sviluppo sostenibile e integrale, poiché sappiamo che le cose possono cambiare. #TempoDelCreato

Tutto ciò fa sospettare che il Covid lo abbia voluto Bergoglio per difendere il pianeta dai suoi abitanti e sia stato inventato in un laboratorio artigianale in Vaticano, nonchè portato in Cina (per la diffusione) da qualche Prelato cinese in visita.

Perché? E’ evidente che l’effetto voluto dal papa-ecologista è quello di proteggere “madre Terra “ dallo sfruttamento prodotto dall’uomo cancro della natura ed il Covid serve a ridurre drasticamente i consumi (le emissioni di Co2) e a fare conseguentemente decrescita economica e di popolazione. Così madre terra dove si incorporò “l’angelo ribelle “, tornerà ad essere un paradiso terrestre, modello foresta pluviale amazzonica.

Ritornando all’articolo allegato, molti si sono domandati come faccia il papa ad allearsi a BillGates e compagnia per un tema che non gli dovrebbe competere fino a questo punto e di cui continua a domostrare di saperne ben poco.

Propongo di ripensare la domanda: come faccia Bill Gates ad allearsi con Bergoglio, apparentemente ormai senza più credibilità, prestigio e influenza.

Che sotto la terra ci sia davvero colui cui fa riferimento l’Apocalisse di San Giovanni?





(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)














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10 commenti

  • Slave of Jesus and Mary ha detto:

    Mi dispiace non parlo Italiano.

    Per favore: forward to Archb. Viganó especially the part here involving the freemasons and the election of Bergolgio. Feel free to edit. Ok for public or private use. Mille gracias.

    Praise be to Jesus Mary and St Joseph Our Only Hope. Praise be to the Divine Child in his angels and in the Saints. Blessed be to the most holy sacrament of the altar. Amen. Praise the Lord. Saint Philomena and Saint Anthony pray for us.

    Why the Portland (Oregon) Archdiocese is the Deep State and more-so the deep Church that Archbishop Vigano describes in his recent testimonies and fervent letters that nearly no-one chooses to read or take seriously. Prophet Noah, help!

    Why Father Stephen Dunn of Scotland is 100 million% right in justly rebuking his Shepherds for not shepherding and why it is wrong to follow unjust laws. How Portland Oregon clergy follow unjust laws (Sodomy, divorce, legalized kidnappings, birth control and voluntary sterilization), and claimed that they have to, that’s why their society is in complete disarray.

    How the Portland Archdiocese priests and clergy hide behind their hired guns: women in pants in the masses (five women in suits to manage ALL their property alone, yet they cant spend a dime on Asher).


    How Pope Benedict XVI is a martyr for the faith having been squashed by the Freemason Cardinals who threatened to kill him that’s why he had to step down and how Pope Francis is not even a Christian.

    “Truth is not a majority vote,” says Pope Benedict in an eery providential way. How he talks about social excommunication within the Church for whistleblowers. His truth his words have been completely 100% trampled on by Freemasons in the Church.

    May the guardian angels and Saints especially on this October 2nd which is the feast day of the Guardian Angels truly guide this tiny author’s hand and words to speak the truth. Amen. Praise the Lord.

    The Portland archdiocese has gone so downhill. The author only sees a black cloud of Doom over the diocese and its really horrifying how many times they’ve shaken hands with the Freemasons the satanists that live literally right down the street from them as the main Freemason Hall is within a walkable distance to the cathedral and also the courthouse where Miss Stafford lost Asher for rejecting Freemasonry on the stand, is literally a stone’s throw from the cathedral yet the clergy can’t figure out how to just simply walk over there during Judge Thomas Ryan’s Chambers 4th floor and just explain to him why Miss Stafford needs to be with him why he needs to be with his mother no they just can’t simply do anything at all but they can block emails pretty quickly and they can claim that they don’t know anything despite baptizing the small Child. The most horrifying thing is when they pass away God might do the same thing to them he literally might say I never knew you. How many times did Lazarus go to the rich man asking for food and even crumbs and the rich man said sorry and then it turns on him where the rich man is now begging for Lazarus who is Shining like the sun and Lazarus said no you did not listen to the prophets so nor will it help for me to warn your brethren.
    How many times have we tried to warn people even strangers our own family members and the clergy and they just simply don’t care. Well if we look at baruch  it says there’s a reason for that and the reason is pride the cares of Life self seeking sloth even St Paul says all this idolatry is a huge one which has made a huge comeback especially the Egyptian idolatries of you know worshipping things. This is all come back in a really really huge way and it’s really an uphill battle from this point on as we can see and it says this in scripture in the apocalypse that’s why we always have to read the apocalypse, read a passage from the Apocalypse every single day if you can.

    How many times has miss stafford Warned the Portland archdiocese that what they’re doing is wrong it’s wrong on a moral level it’s wrong on a virtuous level its wrong even on a civil level because not even the Freemasons have totally eradicated her from her son’s life it’s only the church that has sealed the deal. It’s clear at least in Miss Staffords mind that her own mother devised to split Steve apart from Mary first before divorcing John just as a safety for her and then bought Steve off. Basically if you tell her you are against her divorce to John she tries to drug you (pharmaceuticals),  blacklist you, calls you nuts and takes everything away from you. If you DO go along with her caniving scheme guess what the SAME thing happens: she laughs, controls everything you do, tries to drug you tries to call you mad and steals your stuff.

    Pope Benedict XVI when was Stafford was in *Undisclosed City* California she was visiting with her Freemason friends and yes she had (past tense) a lot of them her grandfather great-grandfather were both 50 years Scottish Freemasons Asher’s father is a Freemason and she really seems like God put it in her life for a special reason. She’s not saying this because she agrees with the Freemason sect or has continued with them, but she feels like God put her there as a witness. Anyway in this witnessing context she went to one of her Freemason friends and he told her (this was right after Pope Benedict resigned) he said The Cardinals threatened to kill him if he didn’t step down and Pope Francis isn’t even a Christian. He was actually kind of scared and it’s really horrifying to see that well if it scares the Freemasons then we know that something is terribly wrong. After Miss Stafford heard this message she related it to a few people and most people laughed at her and said she was ridiculous except maybe one or two men who had also been warned through inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Well come 7 years later and everybody is not only agreeing with this but also shouting it out as well something is terribly wrong with the papacy.

    May God bless you may you have a truly wonderful day and please heed the words of Father Stephen Dunn who spoke out against his evil State passing evil laws and suppressing the holy mother Church which the state is never has the right to suppress holy mother Church. Portland archdiocese does not have the right to suppress Miss Staffords relationship with her son Asher even if the state chooses to they would have to go against the Civil Law to uphold the Divine Law and they’re not just doing anything even though they can uphold the civil law which grants her weekly visitation they can uphold civil law and moral law which grants Miss Stafford unlimited communication in a communication age but instead they choose to completely do nothing and be part of this Freemason Communist dictatorship tyranny in Oregon and it shows. Which is what it’s become. She would not be surprised at all if her mother is trying to brainwash Asher into thinking her sister Caroline is his “real mom” Because that’s how freemasons work and Caroline has become a communist puppet of her own mother for what? Bribes and unlimited boyfriend allowances. All guised under the “Church.” Her mother has even taken it the next level by providing Caroline with violin lessons (Stafford is a violinist) probably as some sort of decoy or ploy.

    She’s mentioned this before but her mother being a sodomite divorcing her Catholic convert father and claiming abuse is something feminists do and the Portland archdiocese has yet to take action.

    It all gets very tiring but one last thing is that her sister Caroline was drugged by her mother claiming that she was mentally unstable yet her sister was only trying to find out more about her real dad and why there was a divorce and the mother decides to just go ahead and Drug her for two years and the diocese does absolutely nothing to protect her. If we cannot protect our children who can we really protect?

    Stafford remembers a quote by Mother Teresa that says if we cannot protect unborn children we really cannot protect born children or even people for that matter at all because life has been disrespected on a very intrinsic level and it affects everyone.

    And this is completely true one Portland Oregon attorney even said to miss Stafford that No legal action will be taken if her life is threatened until she’s already dead. And it’s really our own fallen parents that want us dead they want us dead because they want to keep living the high life. Also the clergy want us dead cuz they want us to quit talking they want us to quit scolding them.

    And what has it done is created a society of self sterilized cat lovers as Miss Stafford relates her former married Catholic church choir director went ahead and sterilized himself got rewarded for it by the diocese and he cried more about the death of Miss Staffords Middle School cat then he does about her the cat’s actually buried in the backyard with honors and her life has just been completely disposed. And alcoholism has a huge role to play both clergy and laymen are culpable.
    One last reflection is to beware of the circumcision states St. Paul.Heifetz Halle Consulting Group out of Newberg Oregon in conjunction with the deep state deep church (Mult Co and Portland Archd.) Have teamed up with her relatives to destroy Miss Stafford the Church and the world now so it seems. Be very cautious of these! They channel spirits and have a demonic hand in WA VA and OR states for decades.

    May God bless you and may you truly have a wonderful day but may you hear these words and please do all that you can to help fund Miss Stafford a defense attorney for her cause and the only Catholic attorney she’s ever found in the whole 7 years that she’s searched is Miss Tara Lawrence out of Lake Oswego Oregon and she hopes someone with a Caring Heart can donate the $4,000 she needs to help her to fight for her son because really no one else wants to and it really is her responsibility she has to uphold her baptismal promises to her and to her son and set a good example.

    Please put her her mother and the diocese on your prayers and prayer list. Amen. Praise the Lord. Saint Philomena and Saint Anthony pray for us. Our lady queen of the Roses Mary Help of mothers pray for us.

  • Alessandro2 ha detto:

    Molto opportunamente giunge un refuso di OM:

    Repubblica, che da tempio laicista “scalfariano-debenedettiana “ si è convertita in tempio “molinariano-elkaniano”

    IN TEMPIO… Squadra e compasso così hanno ordinato…

    “Ma Dio aveva altri progetti”

  • remo ha detto:

    eccellente considerazione e molto opportuna domanda finale : come faccia BillGates a riferirsi a Bergoglio. Credo sia questione di poco tempo ormai . Lo usano ancora un pò per le ultime battute

  • Sebastiano ha detto:

    E perché gli accordi con la Cina vanno bene ?
    Se c’è una nazione inquinante (il 45% della sua energia elettrica è prodotta dal carbone ) ed oppressiva del suo popolo e delle minoranze etniche e religiose è lei.

    Non ho mai scritto un commento simile

  • Sebastiano ha detto:

    E perché gli accordi con la Cina vanno bene ?
    Se c’è una nazione inquinante (il 45% della sua energia elettrica è prodotta dal carbone ) ed oppressiva del suo popolo e delle minoranze etniche e religiose è lei.

    • stilumcuriale emerito ha detto:

      Questo non si può, non si deve dire, perchè l’energia elettrica è ( va di moda dirlo) ecologica…. Le balle sono balle, non c’è dubbio, ma c’è chi le sa raccontare bene. Non le pare?

  • Virro ha detto:

    E’ proprio vero…Non si possono servire due padroni…..
    il tempo che viviamo (Papa e compagni – organizzatori del mondo) è la fotografia di chi è “lucifero”: schizofrenia.
    Ma guai a chi lo asseconda!

  • Maria Michela Petti ha detto:

    Ho solo una domanda, oggi. A quando un approfondimento dell’ ecologia delle coscienze, nel nome di Cristo nostro Salvatore, prima ancora di San Francesco che – non per nulla – è stato riconosciuto Alter Christus?

    • Sherden ha detto:

      Di questo passo credo che la prossima uscita sarà su come usare correttamente il dentifricio e come pulirsi le ascelle per non inquinare il pianeta.