24 Agosto 2020 Pubblicato da


Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, our good friend Giuseppe Pellegrino sent us with a little delay the English translation of the letter archbishop Viganò wrote to the Italian mothers. Enjoy your reading!



“Let’s save our children from the health dictatorship!

Let’s save Italy from the ferocious global tyranny!”



15 August 2020

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Dear Sirs and Dearest Mothers,


I have received your kind email, in which you inform me of the initiative you have scheduled for this coming September 5 for the protection of the physical, moral, and spiritual health of your children. In responding to you, I address all the mothers of Italy.


The demonstration you are promoting intends to express the dissent of citizens and in particular of parents against the norms that the government, abusing its power, is preparing to issue in view of the new school year; norms that will have very grave repercussions on the health and psychosomatic equilibrium of students, as authoritative experts have rightly demonstrated.


First of all, the systematic effort to demolish the family, the foundation of society, must be denounced, with the multiplication of ferocious attacks not only against conjugal life, which Christ has elevated to a Sacrament, but also against its very natural essence, against the fact that marriage is by nature constituted between a man and a woman in an indissoluble bond of fidelity and reciprocal assistance. The presence of a father and a mother  is fundamental in the upbringing of children, who need a male and female figure as a reference for their integral and harmonious development; nor can it be permitted that children, during the most delicate phase of their infancy and adolescence, be used to advance partisan ideological claims, with serious damage for their psychosomatic equilibirium, by those who with their own rebellious behavior reject the very idea of nature. You can easily understand the impact of the destruction of the family on the civil consortium: today we have right before our eyes the results of decades of unfortunate policies that inevitably lead to the dissolution of society.


            These policies, inspired by principles that are repugnant both to the Law of nature inscribed in man by the Creator as well as to the positive Law of God given in the Commandments, combine to permit children to be placed at the mercy of the whims of individuals, and that the sacredness of life and conception become objects of commerce, humiliating motherhood and the dignity of woman. Sons cannot be bred by mares for a fee, because they are the fruit of a love that Providence has ordained must always be an enduring love, even in the natural order.


Parents have the responsibility, as a primary and inalienable right, to educate their children: the State cannot arrogate this right, much less corrupt children and indoctrinate them in the perverse principles that are so widespread today. Do not forget, dear mothers, that this is the distinctive sign of totalitarian regimes, not of a civil and Christian nation. It is your duty to raise your voice so that these attempts to steal the education of your children may be denounced and rejected with force, because you will be able to do very little for them if your faith, ideas, and culture are judged incompatible with those of an impious and materialistic state. And it is not just a matter of imposing a vaccine on your children and teenagers, but also of corrupting their souls with perverse doctrines, with gender ideology, with the acceptance of vice and the practice of sinful behaviors. No law can ever legitimately make the affirmation of the truth a crime, because the authority of the law ultimately comes from God, who is himself the highest Truth. The heroic testimony of the martyrs and saints responded to the oppression of tyrants: may you too today be courageous witnesses of Christ against a world that would like to subject us to the unleashed forces of hell!


Another crucial aspect in this battle for the family is the defense of life from conception to natural death. The crime of abortion, which has claimed millions of innocent victims and that cries out for vengeance from heaven, is today considered as a normal health service, and just in recent days the Italian government has authorized the more widespread use of the abortion pill, encouraging an abominable crime and keeping silent about the terrible consequences on the psychological and physical health of the mother. If you think about how during the lockdown all care of the sick was suspended and yet abortions continued, you can understand what the priorities of those who govern us are: the culture of death! What progress can be invoked when society kills its own children, when motherhood is horribly violated in the name of a choice that cannot be free, since it involves the ending of an innocent life and violates one of God’s Commandments? What prosperity can our country expect, what blessings from God can it hope for, if human sacrifices are being made in our clinics just as in the times of the most bloody barbarism?


            The idea that children are the property of the state repulses every human person. In the Christian social order, the civil authority exercises its power to guarantee its citizens that the natural well-being is ordered towards the spiritual good. The common good pursued by the state in temporal things therefore has a well-defined object that cannot and must not be in conflict with the Law of God, the Supreme Legislator. Every time that the State infringes on this eternal and immutable Law, its authority is diminished, and its citizens ought to refuse to obey it. This certainly applies to the hateful law on abortion, but it should also be applied to other cases, in which the abuse of authority regards the imposition of vaccines whose danger is unknown or that, by their very composition, are ethically problematic. I am referring to the case in which a vaccine would contain fetal material coming from the bodies of aborted children.


But there are other disturbing aspects now envisaged, which regard not only the content of instruction but also the method of participation in the lessons: social distancing, the use of masks and other forms of presumed prevention of contagion in classrooms and school environments cause serious damage to the mental and physical equilibirium of children and young people, compromising their ability to learn, the interpersonal relations between pupils and teachers, and reducing them to automatons that are not only ordered what to think but also how to move and even how to breathe. It seems that the very notion of common sense that ought to govern choices fraught with consequences in social life has been lost, and it seems that an inhumane world is being heralded in which parents have their children taken away from them if they test positive for an influenza virus, with mandatory health treatment protocols applied as in the most ferocious dictatorships.


It is also very perplexing to learn that the WHO has chosen Mario Monti as the President of the European Commision for Health and Development, who has distinguished himself by draconian measures imposed on Italy, among which, it must not be forgotten, is the drastic reduction of public appropriations for hospitals. These perplexities are confirmed by Monti’s membership in supranational organisms like the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Club, whose aims are in clear contrast to the inalienable values protected by the Italian Constitution itself, which are binding on the Government. This mixing of private interests in public affairs, inspired by the dictates of Masonic and globalist thought, should be vigorously denounced by those who are representatives of the citizens, and by those who see their legitimate powers usurped by an elite that has never made a mystery of its true intentions.


We should not lose sight of a fundamental element: the pursuit of ideologically perverse goals is invariably accompanied by an interest of an economic nature, like a parallel track. It is easy to agree on the fact that there is no profit in the voluntary donation of umbilical cords, just as there is no profit in the donation of  hyper-immune plasma for the treatment of Covid. Conversely, it is extremely profitable for abortion clinics to provide fetal tissue and for pharmaceutical companies to produce monoclonal antibodies or artificial plasma. Thus it is not surprising that, following a logic of mere profit, the most reasonable and ethically sustainable solutions are the object of a deliberate campaign to discredit them: we have heard self-styled experts make themselves promoters of cures offered by companies in which they themselves – in a clear conflict of interest – hold shares or are well paid consultants.


Having said this, it is necessary to understand whether the solution of a vaccine is always and everywhere the best health response to a virus. In the case of Covid, for example, many exponents of the scientific community agree in affirming that it is more useful to develop a natural immunity rather than inoculate the depowered virus. But also in this case, as we know, herd immunity is attained without any costs, while vaccination campaigns involve enormous investments and guarantee equally large profits for those who patent and produce them. And it should also be verified – but in this the experts will certainly be able to speak with greater confidence – whether it is possible to produce a vaccine for a virus that does not yet seem to have been isolated according to the protocols of science-based medicine, and what potential consequences may come from using newly generated genetically modified vaccines.


            The world health industry, led by the WHO, has become a true multinational corporation that has as its primary end the profit of shareholders (pharmaceutical companies and so-called philanthropic foundations), and its means of pursuing it is the transformation of citizens into chronically ill people. And it is obvious: the pharmaceutical companies want to make money by selling drugs and vaccines; if eliminating diseases and producing effective drugs leads to a reduction in the number of sick people and thus of profits, it will only be logical to expect that the drugs they make will be ineffective and that the vaccines they promote will be the instrument of spreading diseases  rather than eradicating them. And this is precisely what is happening. How can we think that the search for cures and therapies is being promoted in a disinterested way if those who finance the search profit disproportionately from the persistence of pathologies?


It may seem difficult to persuade ourselves that those who ought to be protecting health instead wish to ensure the continuation of illnesses: such cynicism repulses – and rightly so – those who are strangers to the mentality that has been established in healthcare. And yet this is what is happening right under our eyes, and it involves not only the emergence of Covid and vaccines – in particular anti-influenza vaccines, which were widely distributed in 2019 right in those areas where Covid has had the highest number of victims [in 2020] – but all treatments and therapies, as well as childbirth and care for the sick. Such cynicism, which is repugnant to the ethical code, sees in each of us a potential source of profit, while instead what should be seen in every patient is the face of the suffering Christ. We therefore appeal to the many, many Catholic doctors and all doctors of good will, asking you not to betray the Hippocratic oath and the very heart of your profession, which is mercy and compassion, love for those who suffer, and selfless service to the weakest among us, recalling the words of Our Lord: “As often as you did these things for the least of my brothers, you did it for me” (Mt 25:40).


            The Catholic Church, especially in recent decades, has intervened authoritatively in this debate, thanks also to the Pontifical Academy for Life fouded by John Paul II. Its members, up until a few years ago, gave medical-scientific directives that did not conflict with the inviolable moral principles of any Catholic person.


            But just as in civil society we have witnessed a progressive loss of responsibility of individuals as well as those who govern in the various spheres of public life, including health care, so also in the “Church of Mercy” that was born in 2013 it is preferred to adapt the commitment of the Pontifical Dicasteries and the Academy for Life to a liquidvision – and I dare say a perverse vision because it denies the truth – which embraces the demands of environmentalism with connotations of Malthusianism. The fight against abortion, which opposes the reduction of births desired by the New World Order, is no longer the priority of many pastors. During the various pro-life demonstrations – such as those held in Rome in recent years – the silence and absence of the Holy See and the hierarchy has been shameful!


Obviously the moral principles which form the basis for norms to be adopted in the medical field remain perennially valid, nor could it be otherwise. The Church is the guardian of the teaching of Christ and she has no authority to modify or adapt it to her own liking. We remain bewildered, however, as we witness the silence of Rome, which appears to be more concerned with promoting recycling – to the point of writing an encyclical about it – rather than the lives of the unborn, the health of the weakest, and the assistance of the terminally ill. This is only one aspect of a much wider problem, a much greater crisis, which as I have said many times stems from the moment in which the deviant part of the Church, led by what was once the Society of Jesus, seized power and made her a slave to the mentality of the world.


When we consider  the new orientation of the Pontifical Academy for Life (whose presidency has been entrusted to a person who is well-known for having shown the best of himself when he was bishop of Terni), we cannot expect any condemnation of those who use fetal tissue from voluntarily aborted children. Its present members hope for mass vaccination and the universal brotherhood of the New World Order, contradicting previous pronouncements of the same Pontifical Academy.[1] In recent days the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales[2] has entered this anomalous wave. On the one hand it recognizes that “The Church is opposed to the production of vaccines using tissue derived from aborted fetuses, and we acknowledge the distress many Catholics experience when faced with a choice of not vaccinating their child or seeming to be complicit in abortion,” but it then affirms, in very grave contradiction with the stated unchanging principles of Catholic morality,[3] that “the Church teaches that the paramount importance of the health of a child and other vulnerable persons could permit parents to use a vaccine which was in the past developed using these diploid cell lines.” This statement lacks any doctrinal authority and instead aligns itself with the dominant ideology promoted by the WHO, its principal sponsor Bill Gates, and pharmaceutical companies.


From a moral point of view, for every Catholic who intends to remain faithful to his or her Baptism, it is absolutely inadmissible to accept a vaccination that utilizes material coming from human fetuses in its process of production. This has also been restated authoritatively recently by the American Bishop Joseph E. Strickland in his April 27 Pastoral Letter[4] and in his August 1 tweet.[5]


We must therefore pray to the Lord, asking him to give Pastors a voice, in such a way as to create a unitedfront that opposes the excessive power of the globalist elite which would like to subjugate us all. It should be recalled that while the pharmaceutical companies are proceeding on the plane of economic interests only, there are people operating on the ideological plane who, using the opportunity of the vaccine, would also like to implant devices for identifying people, and that these nanotechnologies – I am referring to project ID2020, “quantum dots” and other similar initiatives – are being patented by the same individuals who patented the virus as well as its vaccine. Furthermore, a cryptocurrency project has been patented to allow not only health identification but also personal and banking information to be monitored, in a delirium of omnipotence that up until yesterday could have been dismissed as the ranting of conspiracy theorists, but that today has already been initiated in several countries, including for example Sweden and Germany. We see the words of Saint John taking shape right before our eyes: “It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a mark on the right hand and the forehead; so that no one could buy or sell without having the mark” (Rev 13:16-17).


Given the gravity of the situation, we must also speak out with regard to these aspects: we cannot remain silent if the public authority would make vaccines obligatory that pose serious ethical and moral problems, or that more prosaically do not give any guarantee of obtaining the promised effects and that are limited to promising benefits that from a scientific point of view are absolutely questionable. May the pastors of the Church finally raise their voice to defend the flock entrusted to their care in this systematic attack against God and man!


Do not forget, dear Mothers, that this is a spiritual battle – even a war – in which powers that no one has ever elected and that do not have any authority other than that of force and the violent imposition of their own will seek to demolish all that evokes, even only remotely, the divine Paternity of God over His children, the Kingship of Christ over society and the Virginal Motherhood of Mary Most Holy. This is why they hate to mention the words father and mother; this is why they want an irreligious society that is rebellious against the Law of God; this is why they promote vice and detest virtue. This is also why they want to corrupt children and young people, securing hosts of obedient servants for the foreseeable future in which the name of God is being cancelled and the Redemptive Sacrifice of his Son on the Cross is blasphemed; a Cross that they want to banish because it reminds man that the purpose of his life is the glory of God, obedience to His Commandments and the exercise of Christian charity: not pleasure, self-exaltation, or the arrogant overpowering of the weak.


The innocence of children and their trusting recourse to Mary Most Holy, our Heavenly Mother, can truly save the world: for this reason the Enemy aims to corrupt them in order to distance them from the Lord and to sow the seed of evil and sin in them.


Dear mothers, never fail in your duty to protect your children not only in the material order but also, even more importantly, in the spiritual order. Cultivate in them the life of grace, with constant prayer, especially through the recitation of the Holy Rosary, with penance and fasting, with the practice of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, assiduously and devotedly frequenting the Sacraments and Holy Mass. Nourish them with the Bread of Angels, the true food of eternal life and our defense from the assaults of the Evil One. Tomorrow, they will be honest citizens, responsible parents, and protagonists of the restoration of the Christian society that the world would like to cancel. And please also pray, dear mothers, because prayer is a truly fearful weapon and an infallible vaccineagainst the perverse dictatorship that is about to be imposed on us.


I take this occasion to assure you of my prayer and to impart my Blessing to all of you: to you, dear mothers, and to your children, and to all those who are fighting to save our children and each one of us from this ferocious global tyranny that is striking our beloved Italy.




+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop


Translated by Giuseppe Pellegrino

[1] Cf. Pontifical Academy for Life, Note on the Nature of Vaccination, 31 July 2017.

[2] Cf. Bishops’ Confernce of England and Wales, The Catholic position on vaccination.

[3] Cf. Pontifical Academy for Life, Moral Reflections on Vaccines Prepared from Cells Derived from Human Fetuses, 5 June 2005.

[4] Bishop Joseph E. Strickland, Pastoral Letter from Bishop Joseph E. Strickland On the Ethical Development of COVID-19 Vaccine, 23 April 2020.

[5] Tweet of August 1, 2020: “I renew my call that we reject any vaccine that is developed using aborted children. Even if it originated decades ago it still means a child’s life was ended before it was born & then their body was used as spare parts. We will never end abortion if we do not END THIS EVIL!”






(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)














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7 commenti

  • Tonino T. ha detto:

    [IT] 🇮🇹
    17 agosto 2020

  • Slave of Mary ha detto:

    Please ask Archbishop Vigano to email St Elizabeth Ann Seton “Catholic” Church of Aloha OR and the Portland Archdiocese as they are doing absolutely nothing to let the Catholic Mother see or raise her own son Catholic, going way beyond the judges order. Her own mother has taken control of the Church. The entire diocese and parish have blocked her messages and they told her they DONT intend to first communion the boy and he is 8 years old. The father is a freemason and unbaptized. He told the mother he “plans to raise Asher gay.” St Joseph help! She is supposed to have weekly visitation and unlimited correspondence rights but that has been blocked by her own mother.

    • Slave of Mary ha detto:

      Praise Jesus, Mary, and St Joseph! Anyone the least bit interested in helping Miss Stafford fund an attorney to fight communism in Oregon, please contact the Catholic lawyer-ess referred to her by the diocese: Miss Tara Lawrence of Lake Oswego Oregon. St. Anthony and St. Philomena, find Asher!

  • Tonino T. ha detto:

    [EN] 🇺🇸
    24 – 8 – 2020

    [ES] 🇪🇸
    19 – 8 – 2020

  • Sheila ha detto:

    I fear the “Funvac” or aka “Funvax” from Bill Gates. He claims it can dimishish or change how a person believes in God. Can this be researched, vetted and discussed.
    Thank you.

    • Slave of Jesus and Mary ha detto:

      Mental Stability fabricated into mental instability by Oregon and worldwide courts in order to persecute the faithful and usher in the new world order.

      Miss Stafford was never called crazy until one day a man decided to hire a lawyer to scream that she was, and ever since then her own mother and a judge seem to find a lot of joy slandering her and to their entire communities as such, but who would listen to this complete garbage? Obviously, a LOT of people will and these people are mainly our own relatives, clergy, neighbors, and dioceses and parishes. The reason is money. These parishes diocese neighbors relatives gain a LOT of temporal riches by slandering someone as nuts. First of all it gives them the right to silence them. Secondly it gives them the right to rob them and keep sinning themselves (whatever their sin is, be it lust gluttony, pride, etc). Thirdly, it gives them the right to gain power because especially if they have lust of them or envy and jealousy, it gives them a superior feeling of power and control to see them suffer.

      Now the kicker is the person is not crazy. Miss Stafford remembers a pop star slandered as bipolar and it took a public crier on youtube to stop this garbage. People are NOT crazy. Unless you have a serious disease like down syndrome, there is nothing wrong with a person except for sin. People become mad when they accept sin as a lifestyle. You can see this everywhere today: in bars, our abortion laws, gay laws, euthanasia, simonry… These are all crazy unjust laws passed by sinful judges and governments. But take a Catholic like Mr. Tim McMenamin or Miss. Stafford, and pin a gay attorney or judge on them to slander them as nuts, and suddenly you have literally nutjobs coming out of the woodwork upholding these accusations for absolutely no reason EXCEPT for the fact they benefit or make some sort of money or power alliance off of it or for their own sick gratification of weighing people down, oppressing them, etc.

      Scripture tells us God has the last word.  We read in Baruch that “fire” will devour any who oppress to weak, poor, and just. Furthermore, proverbs states that the evil are “bound like branches” and destroyed by flame. What other is this flame than the eternal hell fire that one can never escape. And by your sins you will be chastized: God can send demons on a soul for all eternity to label that person as mentally ill who made a fortune kidnapping and extorting the weak, and slandering them as mentally ill. There is no such thing as mental illness! It is a money making scam found in corrupt courts and they make a LOT of money false drugging and institutionalizing people until the drugs they serve them turn them so ill that they cannot literally function. And we know this happens in high up freemason circles such as they did with Pope Paul VI in order to usher in Vat 2. Drugging is a freemason tactic and it aims to silence without the threat of martyrdom. Freemasons hate martyrs because they produce a following and an increase of the Catholic faithful and moral.

      Anyway, to make matter short, there is no such thing as mental illness because we all have the right to choose good or bad of our own fee will. God gave us free will.

      As said previously, the courts label people as ill to steal and make money for their chosen psychologists i.e. these witch doctors that preach false doctrines. We cannot therapy ourselves to heaven my friends. True Faith and absolution from sins is only found in the sacraments. Anything else is a false God. That’s why you see today so many judges, especially Oregon judges, leaving the Faith and turning towards the false god of Scientology, which is none other than a subsidiary of Freemasonry and Freemasonry is condemned by the Catholic Church (Pope Leo XIII encyclical on Freemasonry).

      May God bless you and may you have a wonderful day, but truly heed these words and do not just contemplate their meaning, really act on them and do something about it. Send these messages to your Congress person, pastor, governor, judges, state and country. Only we can make the change. God has no other hands but ours.

      St Joseph pray for us.

      The Marriage of John and Elizabeth Stafford: a perpetual sacramental marriage that cannot be altered, destroyed or perverted by freemasonic athiestic communism. A remedy. Penances.

      This letter is really designed as an atoning penance for Clergy, laity, penitents, the author, families, and Holy mother Church to help mitigate the just chastizements the Lord has in store for our souls for accepting lax Clergy, Vatican 2, these fake annulments, birth control, kidnappings, etc. Into our families into our societies and into our lives. The sin of ommission is a great sin and was even to lead St Theresa of Avilla into hell if she did not take up her cross and become fervent in her faith. Let us heed that warning! Even St John the baptist is a great example of heroic charity as he gave his life for the sacrament of marriage and the marriage bed. Let us consider his sacrifice when we chose to disobey God by our materialism, lusts, heresies, attorneys, etc which are so hateful to the Laws of God. If one person be changed by this email then Miss Stafford is content in it’s good example but let us never hasten to fulfill the Word made Flesh and aspire towards greater things: the true love of God and the sanctification of our souls and those of our neighbor. Peace be to You.

      Miss Staffords’s parent’s marriage to eachother in 1975 in Bend Oregon is a valid, sacramental marriage that cannot be unbound by clergy, civil judges, accusations, lovers, and heresies. It is a valid marriage meaning it cannot be erased altered or perverted except by the death of one of the spouses. Christ himself said: “what God has put together, let man not put asunder.” But now we have all these modernist feminist females, secretly jealous types, like Elizabeth, seeking fame and fortune and leaving their sacramental responsibilities like child rearing and spiritual development, leaving their God-given rights as stay at home wives and mothers, and it’s a travesty really, as so many children; both adult and grandchildren, are the victims of the parents worldly pursuits sexual encounters and financial hoarding now gay rights and messes.

      The cause is sex and money. Why did Elizabeth decide to leave John? Because of sex and money; because she is an odious woman who hates in secret and bore up many lies over the years, hating John with a terrible malice cloaked under the guise of a false humility and a false chastity and a false “stanch Catholic” spiritual charity. She decided to cheat on him long before, or devised to at least in her mind, to leave the home, forego any more child bearing, wear pants and make a LOT of money, the source of all evil, and decided to fornicate with a married member of the church laity, all while blaming John for “being abusive” and “not being Catholic enough.” It drew him down so that he also fell in his Faith. Shame on her for dragging the family unit down to shameful degrees. She coerced and conived and convinced this disciple of God to leave his wife and she did it on the sly and then goes off and blames John.

      Elizabeth also found sex more pleasing and enticing with her lover Steve than with John. As a result she became a sex addict, under the guise of humility and false “virginity” or purity, and she put up a hot tub, glamour magazines, cruises, beautiful rose and flower gardens and the like. But we know the path to hell is paved with good intentions, with tree-lined streets and sweet smelling flowers. Its sick, really. The sad part is she fake married a vasectomied man, so her womb has been cut off by her own sin, therefore she feels the need even more to steal Asher her grandson away, and corrupt him the same way she did to her other children, only probably even worse, because the truth is if she had stayed with John he certainly would have given her more children at her request. Steve simply is “shooting blanks,” and this is a mortal sin.

      The problem is the Catholic church does not even view or see sin anymore. Miss Stafford even tried to send a book on hell to father Meeuwsen, Asher’s “pastor,” and Elizabeth Popkes, real name Elizabeth Stafford, and they simply rejected them. The church partners with her iniquity, fake marrying her to Miss Staffords middle school Catholic Church married Choir director, and the Portland Archdiocese AND Fr. Meeuwsen somehow support this disgusting usurpation of the Law, against psalm 26. But besides that fact, Would you really want to listen to a preacher who no longer believes in sin or hell and actually condones it? Someone who says, oh what divorce? What breaking of marital vows? What mother of Asher? Even the Protestants believe in hell and the 10 Commandments. Why is the Catholic Church, who has the sacraments and so much wisdom, becoming less civil and less holy than the Protestant church when they fought for thousands of years in Ireland to keep it Catholic, all for what, for the priests to sink lower than the Protestants?

      And what has happened to every single one of Elizabeth and John’s children? They became like her: drinkers, whores, slanderers, persuiers of fancy meats vacations and jobs over God, and with complete disrespect of the faith. One is like a lesbian. One seeks worldly fame and alliances, one is a career woman…her grandson is in the hands of gay supporters, idolators, psychic mediums and freemasons… All these sins emanating from one woman’s decision to fake divorce and for the Clergy to back it. Times this by 100,000 or more and you have the total carnage its placed on all of society. Miss Stafford knows of one woman who became a lesbian after her mother obtained a fake annulment, because this defamed mother then coerced her beautiful daughter to divorce her husband, paid for all the attorney fees and now her daughter is so confused from the envy of her mother, because the church just accepts it that she has now become a lesbian like a cry for help. It’s literally leading souls to hell, these epidemic tribunals and annulment Freemason Halls within every parish now and walls of Catholic Church and they are leading souls to hell. Miss Stafford  knows of another man who was a police officer and another one who was a military Colonel who both attained fake annulments and how confusing is this to the children or their spouses who have seen their husband as a source of authority figure both in a church in the state now just totally stomping on the 10 Commandments and getting away with it. The women also have both have lost children to this matter and it’s completely confusing as the Church does nothing to help and have been bribed off. And what has happened to Asher? He does not even get to see or hear from his mother at all, despite the fact the state deems her entitled and fit to do so. And the father is a freemason, psychic medium, wealthy doctor, sodomite and possibly bisexual, stating he plans to “raise Asher gay,” and the diocese just covers it all up.

      Miss Stafford has said this many times but she actually heard demons entering the body of her mother at the time her mother had decided to file. It was literally a croaking sound and everyone in the car could hear it and John was saying to her do I need to take you to the emergency room? The doctor said that it was panic attacks. But the loud croaking sounds could be none other than Satan himself entering into her body. And her personality totally changed. She became a completely different person. Instead of the woman that was staying at home cooking meals she was a woman who is now flirting with Danger. She was a woman that will now tell you quote now is the time to be bad unquote. Where is this coming from? And more horrifically why are the clergy just playing dead and not doing anything even blocking Miss Stafford it’s a horrible crime.

      She is really whoring herself out to Steve, Mary’s rightful spouse, coveting thy neighbors spouse. Some call it a double adultery. But Elizabeth only lies and screams when these truths are stated. She has no desire to withdraw from her state of sin or wine stupors or hot tub and cable tv shows with ice cream. Everything in her life has become a total lie. She has slandered her daughter, taking away his right to her and to his Holy First Communion. She is slowly forming in his mind, disrespect for the family and the Faith.

      She has slandered John, a parishioner at St Nicholas Catholic Church in Gig Harbor WA, where Miss Stafford was born and raised, so much it is just heartbreaking. And what does he do but go off and get fake married himself to a loose protestant woman, and this also leads absolutely nowhere. Elizabeth is dragging the whole family down into sin, and she has literally changed personalities in the meantime, becoming someone basically unrecognizable from her past. She condones divorce, sexual freedom, birth control, massive vacation spending, man hating, all under the guise of Roman Catholicism and the priests allow it and support her every whim as well, while Elizabeth’s late mother and her adult siblings just go along with whatever she says, defend her, socially excommunicating John together and now her own daughter for defending the rightful marriage bed. John has been socially excommunicated by the Portland archdiocese and the local parish as well, St Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Aloha Oregon, more of a private indifference. But he has also become so weak that he just goes along with what Elizabeth does and he swaps pictures of Asher back and forth while telling his daughter she needs to pay and all this dubious child support fees while demanding that she can’t even mention his name anymore and this is just it’s gone insane its way over the top and it’s way over there even the pagan judge’s ruling which issues her weekly visitation and unlimited correspondence. Elizabeth is clearly becoming her own judge, a despot of satan. she’s making up her own laws and she’s backed by the church. It’s an octopus of evil and it’s slowly lowering people down and it’s got all these people in her laire and they just don’t want to stand up and do anything about it even the nuns. They just won’t do anything about it.

      Feminists will divorce their husbands and claim abuse. This is a trick of courts and judges. This is a terrible tragedy today especially in Canada and America. In contrast men will divorce their wives and claim mental instability. Woman are the nurturers and they twist this around to mean unstable and weak, when its woman’s greatest strength. And ultimately when it comes to a potential change of heart or a reconciliation, modern feminists will retract because they simply DON’T want to share finances especially with their valid husband. Everything they’ve “earned” by their new alliances, corporate jobs, etc., is too much at stake for a loss if the redact. And we cant serve God and mammon. Plus all the people around them that they’ve fooled– they simply put don’t “want to look bad” in front of them including the clergy, for redacting.

      In reality we know that divorce is wrong. Why then do so many Clergy back the divorcees? Pride. Money. Elevation of wordly status and bribes. Yes my friends, the Clergy are getting bribbed out of the Ten Commandments.

      We know its wrong to steal. We know it’s wrong to bear false witness against thy neighbor. We know its wrong to covet thy neighbors wife, and possessions. Then why do so many clergy fall for it time and time again? Why are the tribunals and every single parish bulletins and diocese, so it seems, has an “annulments” section? Is this some sort of joke?

      Its corruption in Holy Mother Church. We need to stop these fake annulments and we need to stop them now. Every time a fake annulment is signed, the clergy sell their soul to the devil, making worldly alliances and hurting many. Just think of all the damage King Henry the 8th did for divorcing, and times that by a million and that’s the same amount of damage, if not worse, that fake annulments have caused America and beyond.

      The encyclicals on marriage by Pope Leo xiii and pope pius xii are excellent defences for marriages indissolvability. So is studying marriage and repeating often, the sacramental vows. Mass, confession, rosary, and blessed sacrament and frequent reception of the Eucharist are huge and bountiful graces. But what priest will offer this in times of trouble?  Miss Stafford has only heard from them, again and again: “hire an attorney.” Now St Alphonsus clearly despised civil suits as d is St Paul. St. Alphonsus went as far to say, as did St. Bernard, that a lawsuit cannot be done without entering into some sort of sin either venial or mortal in nature.

      The solution is clear: take away these fake annulments and the crimes will cease. But what priest is brave enough to stop signing with the red quill of fake annulment death?

      And why is it that every single time Miss Stafford quotes douay rheims scripture (a valid Catholic scripture), a papal encyclical like Pope Pius X on modernism, she is literally blackballed and ridiculed? What is going on. When our relations or state slander us for speaking the Law we find that pretty normal in a secular materialistic society, but when priests, clergy who are suppossed to be learned and pius, start blackballing us for quoting the 10 Commandments, then you have to protest. N out only this, but as Blessed Ann Catherine Emmerich warned, now you have Protestant self-elected ministers willing to take a court beating for Christ, rather than the clergy, we really Have to raise the red flag of penance and wonder.

      Now surely there is a meaning for all of this and God can bring forth good out of bad. But miss stafford can surely see, the more she quotes scripture, especially scripture, the angrier the mob becomes. The “Catholic” parish mob guarded by the parish secretary. And it’s because most catholics especially the clergy have subscribed to a moveable truth: moral relativism. It’s where men “make the rules, not God.” A form of secular human athiestic communism. “I do what I will.”
      As it states in scripture what parent would hand their child a stone, who asks for bread? But the parents are the clergy and the stone is heresy, while the bread is the host and the Law.

      Its first and foremost the Clergy that are to blame because they ignore Catholic social teaching, the four sins crying out to heaven for vengeance, the 12 disciples teachings and humility, the scripture and many saints angels and papal encyclicals, the many graces of a good confession and mass, their vow of poverty has been completely ignored. They deserve their spiritual blindness! Wake up ye clergy, to the word of God! Admit fault!

      Gods warning to the sodomites.
      Withering trees. The trees became infected all around the Stafford home near the time of the divorce. The house and 5th wheel were sold. The children were now simply commodities to be gotten rid of. Miss Stafford was sent without a dime to St. Gonzaga University. Her younger sister was sent to UW. Her brother struggled and her youngest sister became a worse lying thief and sexual addict than the mother herself. Woe to this generation of thieves! And the Church condones this mess? And every time Miss Stafford tries to convert her siblings back, her mother immediately gets on the phone and bribes and laughs them back into sin. Please read St. Luke 13:34-35 douay rheims.

      In conclusion, “what God has put together let man not put asunder.” Repent! Come to your senses, this evil 1960s generation! Abandon these fake annulment whore houses in almost every parish and diocese! You have sold your soul to money.

      Please read Daniel chapter 13.

      Important always for the brown scapular and try to attend daily mass and weekly confession and always pray the rosary.  Important please write to President Trump and implore him to ask Pope Francis to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace in the world and for our families. Saint Michael pray for us.

      Communion only on the tongue!

      Douay Rheims: the best Catholic translation of the Latin Vulgate.
      Asher: learning to hate his own mother at St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Aloha OR.
      How the collars are the biggest perpetrators of this crime. The indifference and inaction of the laity is perpetuating the crime. Asher is learning from Fr. Meeuwsen and friends that mom doesnt care, and mom doesnt matter.

      Praise be to Jesus Mary and st. Joseph Our Only Hope. Praise be to the Divine Child in his angels and in his Saints. Blessed be the most holy sacrament of the altar. Amen. Praise the Lord. Saint Philomena Saint Anthony pray for us. There is spiritual abuse going on in Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic church because the Ten Commandments have completely flipped so that you have a priest up on a pedestal preaching about God but yet at the same time he’s concealing Ashers mother even though he went to school with her and then you’ve got the grandmother who’s fake married to miss staffords church middle School choir director from St Nicholas Gig Harbor WA in the music who is married at the time that she knew him I mean how much worse can this church get? Can you not see that Betsy Popkes also known as her real name Elizabeth Stafford has totally usurped the entire church with her bank rolls and her sexual lustful desires and is sending many down the road to hell with her despot satanic wealth skill delusions laugh silence and trickeries. A despot has taken over this quarter of Holy Mother Church!

      It seems like Miss Stafford’s blood has been basically shed or wiped off the planet in order to welcome in Guitar masses kidnappings divorce and birth control. I also included extortion and theft because to this day Miss Stafford is being charged child support payments that she cannot make and the church refuses to pay them while in full one hundred percent knowledge of it and are still to this day teaching asher to hate his own mother by non action, silence, the sin of omission by not daring to even share one word with him one consolation that I’m sure will give him so much happiness or even attempt a much needed personal meeting. Where do these factions originate from? How can a supposedly God-fearing parish turn away from God and turn into a house of horrors? The parish freemasonic ideologies come from some mysterious no name judge out there somewhere, someone they cannot name have never met and do not know but someone they’ve invented a bunch of demonic “laws” around, surrounding Asher, and its all lies, wicked cruelness! Shame on St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish and these phony baloney “laws” by some fake judge defended staunchly by Elizabeth Stafford also known as Betsy popkes, her boyfriend Steve Popkes and now father mucin their star pupil and weak willed slave of satan who has known Miss Stafford for over TWENTY YEARS but he has been puppeted into a slave of satan, almost like a zombie. This priest is easily tricked and he has been duped moreso than Asher himself who Im certain has been asking and rolling around in his mind, “now WHERE is my mother?”

      WHY is Ms Staffords mother, Mrs. John (K of C) Stafford fake married to her middle school married church choir director Mr. Steve and Mary Popkes? Is this not some sick abomination boundary breaker that even government officials in multiple states have said is totally weird without even being asked to comment about it? Now WHY is Fr. Meeuwsen hiding Asher when Catholic Social Teaching defends the Mother as the bulwark of Ashers upbringing and is Ashers greatest gift and defense apart from the sacraments, and yet he does the exact opposite hes excommunicated and socially banished her in order to usher or keep around guitar masses, a fake peace and brotherhood, and by the sin of omission and by allowing detraction to reign in his court! Ask him what is going on and you will get an ostrich syndrome magician response. Lets just forget about it, look over heeere! and maybe the crisis will go away.

      In an age when social media cell phones and fast paced communication are at their peak, making communication instantaneous free and virtually effortless across countries and the entire world, “collections” banker human trafficker exploiter Elizabeth Stafford somehow just “cant figure out” how to put Asher on the phone or set him up at her laptop to write a letter to his Mom for over seven years, and claims Ms. Stafford “mysteriously disappeared” despite the fact shes trailing after her left and right. Now which is it? Has Ms. Stafford left or has she been publicly banished? Collections banker Betsy Popkes knew how to call Ms. Staffords lawyer and pervert him the very day he was retained. She knew how to keep his wicked counsel going even after Miss Stafford smelled a fish and tried to drop counsel. She knew how to change the lock combo on her door and pin Steve on her to get her out of the house. Shes so smart but yet ask her to come up with a time or visitation schedule so she can simply drop Asher off or put him on the phone and all you get on the end of the receiver is a temper tantrum and a million excuses and lies. “No Im not! You’re a liar!” She says.

      Unequal weights are an abomination to the Lord, states proverbs. Come clean evil doers and repent! Restore to Miss Stafford what is lost sevenfold. Pay back these dubious court fees as your penance St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church! Stop fake marrying Ms Staffords run away Mother to Mary’s rightful husband! Stop stealing! Its wrong! Cast out the talebearer and contentions will cease.

      May the Lord have mercy on you, but dont just read these words really DO something about it. Can you arrange Ms Staffords approved visitation or are you going to listen to a bunch of hoopla from her wicked Mother and Steve and now their top protege Fr. Meeuwsen?

      St Michael restore peace to Gods Church!

      Restore Miss Staffords God given right to parent her son! Its the law, Gods law!

      Praise be to Jesus Mary and st. Joseph Our Only Hope. Praise be to the Divine Child in his angels and in his Saints. Blessed Be to the most holy sacrament of the altar. Amen. Praise the Lord. Saint Philomena and Saint Anthony pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe pray for us.

      Miss Stafford is still hoping that Multnomah County Court can clean up its Act and give Miss Stafford the fair settlement that she needs to live. Even the past attorney that represented her mr. James buchal said there’s no justice because in Chambers Ivan karmel and Judge Thomas Ryan have such a weird relationship that he does not even want to represent her because of them. She spoke to other attorneys who said they wouldn’t even want to take the case because they don’t want to work with Ivan karmel at all. I think Multnomah County they need to really clean up their act and start obeying the Ten Commandments. First of all the woman is a stay-at-home mom and she should not be out working and the man really needs to be out working and being the bread earner. There should not even be divorce at all. The fact there’s divorces and no fault divorce is a horrible crime in the city and causing much pain. Also homosexuality is wrong and it’s causing a lot of pain and Horrors in the family and in the court system. Did you know that homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles? Asher completely needs to be with his mother. Miss Stafford submitted a psych exam issued from the Social Security Administration office and it was never accepted by Ivan karmel and Judge Thomas Ryan’s Funhouse which it seems they have turned the court into. They even harassment Stafford in Chambers threatening to call the FBI on her simply for showing up and defending herself in court. I think a fair judgement needs to be issued on this and it needs to be issued immediately. Her child support needs to be forgiven and removed or paid by the state. Asher needs to be returned to his mother.

      And a full public apology should be issued.

      Please act on these words today do not just see them but actually do something about it. Thank you and may you have a wonderful day. Our Lady of Fatima pray for us.

      Dear State of Oregon,

      Praise be to Jesus Mary and st. Joseph for only hope. Blessed Be to the divine child and his angels and in his Saints. Blessed be the most holy sacrament of the altar. Amen. Praise the Lord. Saint Philomena and Saint Anthony pray for us. Our lady of the Guadalupe to pray for us.

      The state of Oregon is suffering much from these laws of abortion euthanasia gay rights divorce all these Evils are causing so many offenses the judicial has been completely corrupted no longer follows The Ten Commandments at all. The laws in Oregon really need revamping in a huge Major Way. Feminism is a huge huge problem in Oregon. Not many women are encouraged to stay at home and raise families. This is a horrible situation as you can see what’s going on a lot of the violence turns men gay or makes them angry when the women simply don’t want to do their job which is to be a stay-at-home mother be home domesticated and the man is really the bread earner in the family not the woman. There are lots of women political women in power roles in government in Oregon and they are also lawyers and this is really a sign of the last days this is a sign of feminism modernism corruption. Women really shouldn’t be lawyers because number one women are not like men women do not have the rationality the perspective the objective that men have to make decisions women are more than nurturing type they’re not really supposed to be in positions of legal power. That’s why even in a king and queen situation it really is the king who has the full power in the queen has power as well but she’s really subjective still to the king then we see this is true even in heaven with Christ the King and Mary the Virgin Mary the Queen of Heaven being a hundred percent subjective to the King Jesus Christ in this would be the same model for those on Earth. Now what do we do how do we fix Oregon? Well the first thing is to eradicate all these unjust laws to get rid of abortion to get rid of these gay rights because really who wants to be gay? Who wants to give up their god-given rights to have a family to get married to have the life God wants them to live. Or maybe they’re supposed to a nun maybe they’re supposed to be a priest. Secondly we have to start protecting the most poor and vulnerable in the state not just by harassing them or sending them through bureaucratic Loops or lawsuits we have to really really protect them and we protect them by teaching them Catholic Social teaching. You can find this online but also we have to protect the most vulnerable and the poor need more protection not less by the law. Also there are many orphans running around Oregon people who have parents but the parents just don’t care very worldly and you have a lot of Orphans in the streets and these were the ones often used in a protest or just the ones in General on the street there just orphans not complete orphans but they’ve been orphaned by the state they’ve been orphaned by the church they’ve been orphaned by their parents. There really needs to be some sort of Godly instruction in their lives like the Ten Commandments something to model the traditional catholic family and like Jesus Mary and St Joseph they really need some solid moral structure because the world that’s been created or given to them force-fed to them by the state of Oregon is not making them or anybody happy. The sex education really has to go sex education should only be taught in a Catholic structure by two parents within the family. But it’s been exploited into this disgusting thing and given way too much Creedence and its really women who need to assume their own roles of a house wife and men need to assume their roles of being working outside the house think like the 1950s and those roles need to be valued and the state should really try to try to put emphasis on instead of Demphasizing it. People need to be encouraged to be Catholic they need to be encouraged to go to church on Sunday to wear modest clothing to speak with modestly demeanor not to swear 2 not divorce. All the things that keep the structure of the state healthy. Without the nuclear family the whole state will just fall apart. All these forced adoptions need to go. It’s not right to try to brainwash a 18 or 19 year old to give up her child and then for the 20 years where she wants her child back to expect stability in the state I mean she’s always going to be trying to get her kid back and it just these forced adoptions they really really have to go. Also these grandparent rights laws they really have to go because it’s not the grandparents that are supposed to raise their grandchildren its the parents and how are parents supposed to raise their own children when you have all these 1960s selfish generation grandparents and all of them are just so greedy and they have way more money and they’re just going to go for it because they have no morality and it just breaks the whole family structure down it breaks the whole system down. There’s so many laws right now being passed in Oregon that you can find laws that directly contradict themselves and how is a judge supposed to rule on contradiction? It’s just completely abusive on all levels of the state. Please consider each and every one of these tasks and please make it your goal to implement them into your state and I guarantee you will find a happy happy Pleasant State a really great place to live but all these things they have to be changed every single one. Thank you may God bless you and may you have a wonderful day. Our Lady of Fatima pray for us. Saint Michael save Oregon.

      Dear State of Oregon,

      Praise be to Jesus Mary and st. Joseph for only hope. Blessed Be to the divine child and his angels and in his Saints. Blessed be the most holy sacrament of the altar. Amen. Praise the Lord. Saint Philomena and Saint Anthony pray for us. Our lady of the Guadalupe to pray for us.

      The state of Oregon is suffering much from these laws of abortion euthanasia gay rights divorce all these Evils are causing so many offenses the judicial has been completely corrupted no longer follows The Ten Commandments at all. The laws in Oregon really need revamping in a huge Major Way. Feminism is a huge huge problem in Oregon. Not many women are encouraged to stay at home and raise families. This is a horrible situation as you can see what’s going on a lot of the violence turns men gay or makes them angry when the women simply don’t want to do their job which is to be a stay-at-home mother be home domesticated and the man is really the bread earner in the family not the woman. There are lots of women political women in power roles in government in Oregon and they are also lawyers and this is really a sign of the last days this is a sign of feminism modernism corruption. Women really shouldn’t be lawyers because number one women are not like men women do not have the rationality the perspective the objective that men have to make decisions women are more than nurturing type they’re not really supposed to be in positions of legal power. That’s why even in a king and queen situation it really is the king who has the full power in the queen has power as well but she’s really subjective still to the king then we see this is true even in heaven with Christ the King and Mary the Virgin Mary the Queen of Heaven being a hundred percent subjective to the King Jesus Christ in this would be the same model for those on Earth. Now what do we do how do we fix Oregon? Well the first thing is to eradicate all these unjust laws to get rid of abortion to get rid of these gay rights because really who wants to be gay? Who wants to give up their god-given rights to have a family to get married to have the life God wants them to live. Or maybe they’re supposed to a nun maybe they’re supposed to be a priest. Secondly we have to start protecting the most poor and vulnerable in the state not just by harassing them or sending them through bureaucratic Loops or lawsuits we have to really really protect them and we protect them by teaching them Catholic Social teaching. You can find this online but also we have to protect the most vulnerable and the poor need more protection not less by the law. Also there are many orphans running around Oregon people who have parents but the parents just don’t care very worldly and you have a lot of Orphans in the streets and these were the ones often used in a protest or just the ones in General on the street there just orphans not complete orphans but they’ve been orphaned by the state they’ve been orphaned by the church they’ve been orphaned by their parents. There really needs to be some sort of Godly instruction in their lives like the Ten Commandments something to model the traditional catholic family and like Jesus Mary and St Joseph they really need some solid moral structure because the world that’s been created or given to them force-fed to them by the state of Oregon is not making them or anybody happy. The sex education really has to go sex education should only be taught in a Catholic structure by two parents within the family. But it’s been exploited into this disgusting thing and given way too much Creedence and its really women who need to assume their own roles of a house wife and men need to assume their roles of being working outside the house think like the 1950s and those roles need to be valued and the state should really try to try to put emphasis on instead of Demphasizing it. People need to be encouraged to be Catholic they need to be encouraged to go to church on Sunday to wear modest clothing to speak with modestly demeanor not to swear 2 not divorce. All the things that keep the structure of the state healthy. Without the nuclear family the whole state will just fall apart. All these forced adoptions need to go. It’s not right to try to brainwash a 18 or 19 year old to give up her child and then for the 20 years where she wants her child back to expect stability in the state I mean she’s always going to be trying to get her kid back and it just these forced adoptions they really really have to go. Also these grandparent rights laws they really have to go because it’s not the grandparents that are supposed to raise their grandchildren its the parents and how are parents supposed to raise their own children when you have all these 1960s selfish generation grandparents and all of them are just so greedy and they have way more money and they’re just going to go for it because they have no morality and it just breaks the whole family structure down it breaks the whole system down. There’s so many laws right now being passed in Oregon that you can find laws that directly contradict themselves and how is a judge supposed to rule on contradiction? It’s just completely abusive on all levels of the state. Please consider each and every one of these tasks and please make it your goal to implement them into your state and I guarantee you will find a happy happy Pleasant State a really great place to live but all these things they have to be changed every single one. Thank you may God bless you and may you have a wonderful day. Our Lady of Fatima pray for us. Saint Michael save Oregon.

      • Marco Tosatti ha detto:

        Really, this is incredibly too long. You should not abuse the partience of your readers and take advantage of the kindness of people. Indeed.